This is the official discussion topic of the
RUNNING WITH RIFLES Trainer and Cheats in the
WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!
Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.
Trainer Options and Cheats:
1. Unlimited Health
2. Unlimited Ammo
3. Unlimited Grenades
4. Better Accuracy
5. Unlimited Vehicles Health

Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Updates and Changes:
Started development
Released trainer with 5 cheats
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
Updated notes
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
Updated notes
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Check out all of the games WeMod supports here.
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The RUNNING WITH RIFLES cheats have been updated!
- Released trainer with 5 cheats
Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!
Thank you for this! I was recently looking for trainers for this game, actually. Out of curiosity, are you currently adding the trainers from your site to WeMod? If so, is there any particular order that it’s being done in which could help us estimate when a certain game might be added?
Thanks again for all of your hard work!
Yes ,Current i’m updating trainers and putting them on WeMod and it depends on how popular the game is .
If you can mention a trainer name i could tell you how long it will probably take .
Thank for taking the time to respond! You have such a huge catalog, and it will be amazing to be able to access them through WeMod! I wasn’t really looking for any particular title when I asked the question, just curious about what the future holds, but I guess I’ll ask when you think you may have trainers up for any of the Yakuza titles on PC? I was thinking about doing another playthrough.
Will there be a fix eventually for the mod, I’m getting a crash on launch from the mod.
Try to open the game first then press Play on the Trainer.
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Thanks, that fixed the crashing issue, but once in the game I found that “Unlimited Health” doesn’t work, “Unlimited Grenades” changes the shown number of grenades but doesn’t actually let you use the grenades past your starting value and “Unlimited Vehicles Health” increases the displayed vehicle health but will still be destroyed after taking 100 damage. The “Better Accuracy” and “Unlimited Ammo” worked perfectly though.
Looks like you can’t check the map without the game crashing. Any advice?
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Just like to say thank you ever so much for all the trainers for all the games, the WeMod team has my deepest gratitude. I know your very busy but can you please look into an update for this game if its not too much an inconvenience to you, im currently having a few issues; game crashes sometimes with mods enabled.
Hello and welcome to the community @NathanLDavies. 
Thank you for your kind words, I’m glad you enjoy WeMod.
Running With Rifles has a reputation of being quite a crashy game. My quick research on this for you all points to the game itself being at fault for this. It’s extremely unlikely that a trainer update is going to fix the game crashing for you, WeMod is awesome but it can’t fix problems in other people’s software. This is also an older game, so it’ll be difficult to get enough votes to get an update as the majority of the playerbase has moved on.
A suggestion though - run the game in compatibility mode for Windows XP or Windows 7. The game was released about three months before Windows 10 was released, so it probably isn’t built for Windows 10 PCs.
More information and further troubleshooting regarding the crashes:
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Thanks for the reply, i understand, i also understand that cheating can have consequences and i accept these are mine lol. I will probably move on to another game in a few months anyhow but thanks again.
The RUNNING WITH RIFLES cheats have been updated!
- Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!
This trainer will make game crash.
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For information, here is what I observed regarding the use of the trainer on RWR.
The error message that appears when you click on “Play” and launch the game by WeMod can be solved. Indeed, on my side, if I launch the game for the first time since I started the computer or after playing another game from Steam and then quit and launch RWR from WeMod, the message does not appear. If I launch the game directly from WeMod without having launched it from Steam once before, then the message appears. On the other hand, after having launched it from WeMod with the previous method, I can quit and restart the game again from WeMod without any problem.
Invincibility works. In fact, you have to launch the game by WeMod with the above method and then activate the invincibility only once on the map in game and then everything works very well. It can happen however that sometimes the player is knocked down in spite of everything as when a flashbang explodes or a ballistic vest is destroyed but without leading to the player’s death. There you have to wait for a Medic to wake you up or just wait a little longer and your character will get up alone. However, this does not protect from dangerous driving by allies or enemies who may still kill the player with vehicles.
That’s it!
Hi, unlucky not all function works, in the 1.7.8
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any chance of an update for the trainer to work with 1.82?
Hello! I was wondering if you will ever update the cheat and if so what date? thank you! -
The RUNNING WITH RIFLES cheats have been updated!
- Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!
Cheat activated when in-game and as soon as you hit “Tab” to get the map out, the game crashes…
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