Satisfactory Cheats and Trainer for Steam

there was an update to the game recently just a heads up

The trainer was tested after the most recent update.

work in online? only when you host?

This trainer is only for single-player.

is the unlimited items suppose to work on machines and the player or just the player?

Not sure, pretty much off of it doesn’t work since the new update

Yeah Its Because MrAntifun Needs To Update The Trainer. Just Wait Like A Few Weeks/Months

Cheats auto turn off

Here’s how trainer updates work: Game Queue - WeMod Support. :slight_smile:

wish this game was on queue

Looks like the latest experimental branch is working fine. One exception being that “One Hit Kill” isn’t. . . good thing that this isn’t really THAT KIND of game.

I just tested this game and all cheats worked just fine. Please make sure you are using the stable branch of the game and if you are having issues you can check out this article and if none of those factors apply to the situation you can contact support using the link at the bottom of that page. (or you can join the WeMod discord server and post in the support channel there).

From what I heard just the player. All it does is prevent the items quantity from decreasing. You still have to get enough materials. (Unless your crafting then you can just use easy craft)

items can be dulicated by spliting them using infinite items, however my storage started off with something like 18 industrial storage full of random stuff, so i setup a system to sort it all and was finding items duplicated such as mining drills, somersloop, power slugs and verious (WIP) items that cant be exchanged for cupons or changed into other items, evntually this jammed up my system filling around another 40 industrial storage with no mining at all going on (except for power on a seperate loop) unforunately in try this it’s made the game more or less useless for a factory so i will likely have to set up a fresh system and transfer items manually to a new storage setup.

Today’s update 5 broke infinite items and one hit kill still isn’t working.

It is possible, but do not update trainer yet. They will spam fixes for a few week - so let’s wait for Early Access release :wink:

Is update 5 on the public release or beta branch?

Experimental. It’s too soon to update trainer - in my opinion. Public release will be ready in like 4-5 weeks.

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This last update (May 2021, Steam version) works fine on Satisfactory update 4, I know it needs update to make it works for Satisfactory update 5. Unlimited Health and Easy Crafting also works fine on Satisfactory update 5 (I can’t activate other cheats), but crashes when I enable Easy Craft when Biomass Burner is filled with Solid Biofuel.

It’s okay for me to wait, as we know, Satisfactory update 5 is still in the experimental stage. And thank you Sir, for your efforts, to make this game easier to play.

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experimental u can not use the cheats ther