This is the official discussion topic of the
Scorn Trainer and Cheats in the
WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!
Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.
Trainer Options and Cheats:
1. Infinite Health
2. Unlimited Weapon Stamina
3. Unlimited Ammo
4. One-Hit Kills
5. Movement Speed Multiplier
6. Instant Movement Acceleration
7. Fly Through Walls

Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Updates and Changes:
Started development
Released trainer with 7 cheats
Unlimited Ammo cheat added
One-Hit Kill cheat added
One-Hit Kills cheat added
Updated notes
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The Scorn cheats have been updated!
- Released trainer with 7 cheats
If infinite ammo is on, don’t fire your weapon (when you get one that uses ammo) until there’s ammo in it. game crashes
The game crashes even WITH ammo in the gun!
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Infinite ammo crashes the game
Should hopefully be fully fixed now. How ammo works is a complete disaster.
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Add a cheat where you get infinite of the item you use to heal, it’d be nice to have it for those who still want to see the healing animation. Just as an option. Same for weapons, so people can enjoy the reload animation as well. An option where you get help with the puzzles if you can find a way to do that somehow.
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The unlimited ammo doesn’t affect the Shotgun.
Yes, I can also confirm, the infinite ammo cheat doesn’t work for the shotgun attachment.
Greenhouse, please fix the issues and add the cheats I asked for please.
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is the infinite ammo not supposed to work with the tri barrel or the grenade launcher guns towards the end?
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Infinite ammo is infinite ammo even if you don’t need it long. Greenhouse needs to work on it but he’s been silent.
Using the Movement speed multiplyer works!
Trying to decrease the movement speed multiplyer, does not.
Despite the newest update, I still cannot decrease the movement speed multiplyer.
only WORKS for PRO, not general people. false advertising imo. IF ya gonna release a trainer, dont add yes it works, then installing it then try it, ONLy to find its for pro only! fk that shet…
It dont work on gog download versions, gotta download steam version to even get it to work…
needs gog, as we download the game, but not thru steam…so can not use the cheats as it’s looking for steam download…
Hey, just making a reply to this: I’m not clever!
Turns out, you CAN decrease the movement speed multiplyer, it’s just my version of Wemod seems to have an issue registering the Shift key? I changed it to CTRL + NUM5 and it works, though you should probably tack on the same warning for “shifting through walls”, because if you run too fast the level can’t load quick enough and it’s just… void.
Also, the infinite ammo doesn’t work on the grenade launcher, which is a nitpick I’ll admit. Besides, you don’t really have it for that long, so I don’t mind it not working.
Anyways, from a massive scorn fan to the hard workin’ folks over at wemod, thanks a ton for this trainer. I didn’t need the trainer, I’ve beaten it without it! But it feels fun to just go at my own pace, and deal with threats with ease <3