Shadows: Awakening Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Shadows: Awakening
This is the official discussion topic of the Shadows: Awakening Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Enable Gui Console

Important Notes:

Click here to view important information about these cheats.

Once you toggle on gui console and it shows on screen, disable it then enter any command you wish from list below.

  • god = unlimited health, toggle
  • mana = no mana use, toggle
  • heal = heal the group
  • invisible = make the group invisible to NPCs, toggle
  • speedm [0-n] = change movement speed, default is 1
  • speeda [0-n] = change attack speed, default is 1
  • time_scale [0-n] = change the speed of the game, default is 1
  • level [1-30] = change character level, max is 30
  • exp [1-n] = give n amount of experience
  • skill-point [1-n] = give n skills points
  • hide / show = hide/show UI
  • suicide = kill yourself
  • revive_all = revive all characters
  • free_cam / fly_cam / reset_cam = camera control
  • gore = enable/disable gore, toggle
  • gold [n] = give n gold to character
  • soul [0-n] = add n souls to the current stack, need like 20+ to get 1 soulstone
  • maxsouls = reach the max amount of soulstones (10)
  • items = give a bunch of equipment
  • keys = give every keys (quest item)
  • stones = give very stone fragments (quest item)
  • moontotems = give every moon totems (quest item)
  • sigils = give every sigils (quest item)
  • books = give every books
  • party = show the party menu allowing to change group formation from anywhere
  • mceno/mworld = show the waypoint menu allowing to teleport from anywhere
  • fps = show fps counter and another bunch of informations
  • itemsall or maxdevourer (or change devourer for another puppet)
    all_cloaks - it unlocks all cloaks (do the same with other items)
    reveal_map - it reveals the full map
    vlado - it enables additional commands such as

all_skill, level 30, fps, unlimited health, disable_cooldowns, mana
difficulty (1,2,3,4)

And MORE!. For a full list, check trainer thread, click the discussion button to go to trainer thread.


Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 09/08/2018
    Started development

  • 09/08/2018
    Released trainer with 1 cheat

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List of Console Commands

  • god = unlimited health, toggle
  • mana = no mana use, toggle
  • heal = heal the group
  • invisible = make the group invisible to NPCs, toggle
  • speedm [0-n] = change movement speed, default is 1
  • speeda [0-n] = change attack speed, default is 1
  • time_scale [0-n] = change the speed of the game, default is 1
  • level [1-30] = change character level, max is 30
  • exp [1-n] = give n amount of experience
  • skill-point [1-n] = give n skills points
  • hide / show = hide/show UI
  • suicide = kill yourself
  • revive_all = revive all characters
  • free_cam / fly_cam / reset_cam = camera control
  • gore = enable/disable gore, toggle
  • gold [n] = give n gold to character
  • soul [0-n] = add n souls to the current stack, need like 20+ to get 1 soulstone
  • maxsouls = reach the max amount of soulstones (10)
  • items = give a bunch of equipment
  • keys = give every keys (quest item)
  • stones = give very stone fragments (quest item)
  • moontotems = give every moon totems (quest item)
  • sigils = give every sigils (quest item)
  • books = give every books
  • party = show the party menu allowing to change group formation from anywhere
  • mceno/mworld = show the waypoint menu allowing to teleport from anywhere
  • fps = show fps counter and another bunch of informations

try itemsall or maxdevourer (or change devourer for another puppet)

all_cloaks - it unlocks all cloaks (do the same with other items)
reveal_map - it reveals the full map
vlado - it enables additional commands

vlado gives
level 30

difficulty 1 or 2 or 3 or 4

All inventory for characters (this commands clears inventory!):

gold, runes:
gold 99999

To change party:
change 3 3
first number - slot, second - character

Some more
“level 30”

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Thank you @STN

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Thanks @STN, great work as always! Received it free since I had the prior game, now I can actually enjoy it without frustration!

No problem. Was wondering if this is OK or would a regular trainer been better? The gui console allows so many cheat commands that game devs use so i thought enabling it would give more choice of cheats than a conventional trainer.

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I’d certainly keep the gui console option. It offers the most flexibility, and it is easy enough to keep a list of cheats on hand. As a developer I know that “design conundrum”. Personally, I am pleased with it “as is”, it works just fine. You chose a simple, but extremely effective solution.

If you are just looking for ideas, one option would be to create another section with the most commonly used cheats, keeping the gui console option in its own section. However, that would depend on demand, and if it is something you want to take the time to do.

As it is, you’ve given us everything we need! Thoughts, fellow users?

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When I type in god. Nothing is being shown in the bar.

Enable the console then disable the cheat so you can type in commands.


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Using this gui for cheat options. the God mode cheat makes you re-enter everytime you zone. Is there a way around that?

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Very… troublesome… for me too… ;(

Everytime I click on Play, it just loads the list of cheats. How do I enable the gui cosole, if when Clicking on Play it does not connect to the game on steam, like other trainers?

Can we please get a gog version


I second that…as its now free on GOG for a limited time…