Sheltered 2 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Sheltered 2
This is the official discussion topic of the Sheltered 2 Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Unlimited Health
2. All Needs Fulfilled
3. Unlimited Integrity
4. Unlimited Items
5. Easy Craft
6. Unlimited Strength Points
7. Unlimited Dexterity Points
8. Unlimited Intelligence Points
9. Unlimited Charisma Points
10. Unlimited Perception Points
11. Unlimited Fortitude Points
12. Set Game Speed

Important Notes:

Click here to view important information about these cheats.

Activate mods after entering the game world.


Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 10/01/2021
    Started development

  • 10/02/2021
    Released trainer with 12 cheats

  • 12/25/2021
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 05/04/2022
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
    Updated notes

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unlimited health does not work in combat (you know, where ya need it)
Unlimited integrity doesn’t work for expedition equipment (Bags, vests , clothes)
Needs also does not work on the map. (still get fatigued if you run out of travel rations)
Unlimited items drops all your stacks to 1 (if you had 100 scrap you have 1 now)


Unlimited Health doesn’t work.

Also need to delete mood debuffs (after killing someone), and infinite stamina in the fight

Instead of unlimited items, you can use easy craft, you can create anything, regardless of the availability of materials.

All cheats seem to be doing the opposite. Unlimited durability drains the durability (everything breaks within minutes), All needs fulfilled makes everything completely depleted, etc.

The below options not working, better not to activate them as once activated, even after you de-activate your things will continue to degrade unless exit and rerun the game again.

  1. Unlimited Integrity - not working, once activated all things start breaking down, you can practically see the % dropping right before your eyes.
  2. Unlimited Items - all items will change to 1 only. better to use “Easy Craft”

I’m currently running on game version 1.0.14 GOG.

The Sheltered 2 cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Hello beautyfull community

I’m just there to say the game had a update and the only code in the trainer doesnt work are:

  • Unlimited item:
    Set every items to one object(you can have only one from every quality star in your storage => so only 3 maximum, pretty anoying lol)
  • unlimited integrity
    If you activate it, thats put to 0 the life of you construction and make many fire in the same time in the bunker

I hope that’s help for a future update :wink:

great day everyone :innocent:

The Sheltered 2 cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
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seems not to work correctly anymore. when using any of the mods the screen ui of the game disappears when i try to build something.
hope this gets fixed soon.

the game seems to crash a bit if you are exploring and kill off a faction with some of the unlimited (etc) cheats running. I can run the game again to see exactly what is triggering it as it may just be skills/level part of the cheat.

edit: mind you I had followed the instructions and closed things down in that mod through the strength menu before and after running the mod.

i have had similar issues where the ui freezes after going on an expedition.

Bonjour, quelque petit souci avec les codes, la 1 vie infinie, semble ne pas fonctionner, en combat surtout oĂč sa serait le plus utile
 lorsque ont active objets illimitĂ©, les persos garde leur barre de faim avec l’icĂŽne au-dessus de leur tĂȘte et lorsque je le dĂ©sactive leur barre de faim est en rouge, il meurt de faim en fait et je peux pas remplir la gamelle de l’animal de compagnie, qui finit par mourir (sniff) (a moins de dĂ©sactiver la fonction!), la commande easy craft fonctionne inpec sauf pour rĂ©parer, ils me faut toujours les items adĂ©quats ou pour upgrader un appareil, ce n’est pas trop grave mais faut le savoir^^, la fonction full intĂ©gritĂ© ne fonctionne pas avec tout mais au moins je n’ai pas besoin de rĂ©parer mes appareils non stop, ce qui est particuliĂšrement agaçant, en fonctionne intĂ©ressante, ça aurait Ă©tait bien “pas de saletĂ©â€ et pouvoir rajouter par exemple 10 points de force sur les stats, pas sur l’arbre de talents
 mais les stats 10 points force oĂč 10 dextĂ©ritĂ©s, 10 intelligences etc. et le must le “one kill” ou “dĂ©gĂąts augmentĂ©â€ sa aurait etais cool, voilĂ  sa sera tout pour moi, ah si, lancer le jeu avec Wemod entraĂźne une certaine instabilitĂ© du jeu qui plante assez souvent (merci les sauvegardes) je mets mon com en français, si vous aviez meilleur un traducteur que google ou si des petits français passent par lĂ , merci pour le trainer ça reste cool

Hello, some small concern with the codes, the 1 infinite life, seems not to work, in combat especially where its would be most useful
 when have active unlimited objects, the persos keeps their hunger bar with the icon at-Over their head and when I turn it off their hunger bar is red, it actually starves to death and I can’t fill the pet’s bowl, which ends up dying (sniff) (unless you turn off the function!), the easy craft command works inpec except to repair, I always need the appropriate items or to upgrade a device, it’s not too serious but you have to know that , full integrity doesn’t work with everything but at least I don’t need to fix my appliances non-stop, which is particularly annoying, it works interesting, it would have been “no dirt” and to be able to add for example 10 points of force on the stats, not on the talent tree
 but the stats 10 points force where 10 dexterities, 10 intelligences etc. and the must the “one kill” or “increased damage” it would have been cool, that’s all for me, ah so, launching the game with Wemod causes some instability of the game that crashes quite often (thanks the backups) I put my com in French, if you had a better translator than google or if French kids go through there, thanks for dragging it remains cool :wink:

Version Steam 

help udapte please :slight_smile:

我按5ć·é”źè€æ˜Żæ­»æœș 䞍矄道什äčˆćŽŸć› 

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quasiment plus rien fonctionne ^^ :slight_smile:

Wish easy craft or unlimited items worked with upgradings things like the oxygen filter.