SIGNALIS Cheats and Trainer for Steam

This is the official discussion topic of the SIGNALIS Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Immortal
2. Invisible
3. Unlimited Ammo
4. Unlimited Taser
5. Set Inventory Slots
6. [Add Item] Item Choice
7. [Add Item] Amount
8. Add Item
9. Rapid Fire
10. One-Hit Kills
11. Interactions Always Visible
12. Door Interactions Always Visible
13. Game Speed


Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 10/31/2022
    Started development

  • 10/31/2022
    Released trainer with 11 cheats

  • 12/02/2023
    Rapid Fire cheat added
    Game Speed cheat added
    Updated notes

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The SIGNALIS cheats have been updated!


  • Released trainer with 11 cheats

Thank you for the trainer!

EDIT: After testing to make sure, it doesn’t seem to actually overwrite items but it does mess with the inventory even if you’re not trying to. I still think changing the default binds to the numpad would be better just so it doesn’t mess with the experience too much.

I just want to bring to your attention that the “Immortal” and “Add Item” choice options being default bound to F1 can lead to unintentionally overwriting key items in your inventory. I accidentally pressed F1 and lost a key item leading to needing to restart my save because of that.

I know they can be re-bound, but you may want to change the default bindings so that accidents like that can be avoided. The numpad should be a safer place to put inventory related hotkeys since I don’t think the game uses that at all.

Aside from that little inconvenience, the trainer itself is great. Thanks again!

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Thanks for the heads-up, I completely forgot to change those hotkeys… :melting_face:

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the add items cheat seems to be broken due to the recent update
tried adding ammo and that tooth item
the tooth item because i didnt recognize such an item

SIGNALIS recently updated, and now most of these cheats are broken. Please fix this!

The SIGNALIS cheats have been updated!


  • Rapid Fire cheat added
  • Game Speed cheat added
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Don’t know why but having the cheats enabled (just the background not even any options toggled) would crash the game randomly.