South Park: The Fractured But Whole Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Can’t seem to make the “unlimited items” to work. And the “unlimited charge” won’t even turn on. Any suggestions?

The unlimited items are still used and the unlimited charge won’t turn on. Am I doing something wrong? Any suggestions? Thank you

There’s something wrong with the unlimited charge cheat, I’ve seen it happen across other cheat systems too.

Game had an update, maybe that broke the trainer. I’ll check it out

This is why I only modded money and I’m 100% fine

The “Unlimited Items” doesn’t seem to work for me, can you fix it? when i craft something i lose items

Unlimited Charge turns on and then right away turns off. On Uplay.

Did the game have an update?

I’ve reset my experience and leveled back up to 15 and am still unable to equip the level 14 artifact slot. 16 still remains locked.

Any idea on what’s going on or how to remedy?

The only cheats working right now are the ‘Unlimited Health’, and ‘Money’. The rest needs to be updated. We will just have to wait.

Tarnawska, if you didn’t have a backup save, you will probably have to start over. :frowning:

The add Experience won’t work. I try clicking the 1,000 like crazy and my experience doesn’t move. Also I guess the unlimited items doesn’t count toward crafting ingredients. Would like to have unlimited that too.

what is unlimited charge meant to do? it doesnt even turn on

Do you have the steam version?

of course, why

aaa fac


Game updated. Money still works but everything else is broke. XP still works but freezes the artifact slots.

only money and hp works for me

I’ll try HP again to see if I can make it work. Either way the money cheat is awesome and I am thankful for the dev’s efforts.
