SpellForce 3 Cheats and Trainer for Steam


I know you are probably very busy, but it is unusual for you not to reply.

It sure would be nice if you could fix the cheats for SpellForce 3, please.

Thanks for your help!

@STN Need Help in SpellForce 3 Cheats and Trainer

Please Respond!

It seems to me that no one sees that a problem has been posted. It has been almost two weeks now.

If it is because SpellForce 3 is not popular, why include it in Infinity. And if it is in Infinity then it should be updated to work correctly, shouldn’t it?

The reason I posted was because the cheats are not working. I know they won’t work until they are updated.

That is why I need your help!

And I do appreciate your help! Thank you!

I can confirm that the cheats are still not working. I have loaded the game up through infinity, and the game is fully updated and still does not work.

Its just a shame that the cheats haven’t been updated in keeping up with the games updates

This trainer isn’t popular at all neither has it been reported broken to me

Well I mean people have been commenting on here since march 26th that the trainer doesn’t work. So in some way it has been reported that its not working even if its not done through a proper channel.

And if the trainer is not popular then why make it in the first place? And if the popularity of the trainer has decreased, then maybe write a post saying that it will no longer be supported, which seems fair to me. Plus it seems there are people that are hoping you will fix it so that it does work.

Not sure how you judge the popularity of something like this really, not everyone will log in to report that its not working if others are doing so

STN can see how many people use the trainer in a month.
That’s how he decides how popular a trainer is.
The trainer was made because it was a AAA Release and they get made day one.

As far as I know none of the testers have reported that the game is broken but I agree that people have commented here that it is broken.

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I reported this to your manager Chris 3 weeks ago at this link Problem with SpellForce 3 Cheats and Trainer. I guess he felt that you would see the problem.

Almost a month ago, I addressed my post to you and flagged it for moderation because only one person had responded to this page.

I enjoy this game and I appreciate all of your help. I’m 67 years old and I don’t like to get my butt whooped. Infinity has been great. Without it the games are not fun to me.

Wow and i thot i was the grampa here at 52. !!

You are still a youngster!

I am waiting for Version Guard. Besides, the trainer still works if you grab the old version through cracks. It is NOT piracy when you legally own the game but the game devs/publishers/steam are a dick and won’t let you downgrade.

When steam was first introduced, there was option to choose whichever version you wanted or to not have it update, they don’t care for a customer’s choice now so the only option is getting cracks or wait for VersionGuard then i’ll update it.

And Version Guard will be free so you don’t have to spend anything.

The option is still there (kinda), but the game devs/publishers are the ones that control it. Kerbal space program for example allows you to pick the version you want (1.2.2-1.4.2 iirc). Why they don’t allow the user to decide what updates to download is beyond me, shouldn’t be hard to program, even consoles can do it.

It’s possible to get older versions of games trough the SteamCMD.
Basically you force steam to download older versions.


This is a very strange conversation… I’m not making judgements here. How can I? I don’t know the score but I have created mods. I have a rather large mod online for Fallout 4 and even though I never play the game anymore I make sure I visit the mod site to keep MY WORK relevant, up to date and deserving of its many endorsements.

Your trainer is definitely not working and I have no interest in either crack sites or old game versions. This makes me wonder why you bothered to begin with. Is there anyone else making trainers for this game?

So. I’m just going to answer your questions at random and comment on them.

The thing is for STN is that he has a LOT of trainers to update. He goes by priority.
Priority means, the more users a trainer monthly has the higher its priority.
The more pro members a trainer has the higher the priority.

Stn is going to update this trainer but only after version guard released because he had it so many times that when he updated this trainer a new patch came out which broke it again.
He has bothered to begin with because it was or is a AAA title which get trainers on release.

Now I hope that answers everything. Read everything carefully and if you don’t get something ask away


What n1cetomeetyou said^.

Go and make several hundred mods and then make sure you keep them all relevant then we talk :smile: .

As I said, I don’t know the score. However, there is another criteria that deserves consideration. Some games, especially the more popular games, tend to stick to their difficulty settings - that is, on “Easy” the game is easy. Such is not the case with “Spellforce 3”. The game’s difficulty seems more in line with Rubic’s cube which is why it is less than popular - it’s a story-based game that only half the people who bought it can finish. Therefore a higher percentage of the game’s owners will need a trainer. I wouldn’t imagine many fallout 4 or Skyrim players would require one. I would think that the people lodging a complaint here will do something else until a trainer is available. So, please take that into account.

The only thing that matters is how many people will use the trainer. 50% of 100 is less than 5% of 10000.

Except that your numbers are wrong… Someone may load a trainer for some big name game… maybe to see what it does… but will they use it? There are trainers out there for Fallout 4. Given the fact that with a simple command you can have god mode, unlimited gold, and mod sites can give you anything you want, anyone who would run an additional executable along with Fallout 4.exe is more akin to those who believe that France is somewhere in South America - they aren’t trendsetters. So, the idea that anyone gets value from a fallout 4 trainer just doesn’t hold water. In contrast, the fact that half the players of Spellforce 3 cannot advance without a trainer will draw people to WEMOD and Infinity since the trainer works as a marketing strategy for the Infinity platform and as news spreads, the numbers can only grow.

Let me add something here for potential users of the ‘fixed’ trainer. Most trainers actually spoil a lot of a game by taking away any challenge whatsoever. In Spellforce 3 there are all these building upgrades but without the trainer you’ll not see them since the only winning tactic is to build fast and to attack even faster. With the trainer’s god-mode you can block the AI’s overwhelming forces and A) explore the map B) Do the side quests C) take part in the story. Using god-mode, simply staunching the ridiculous swarms of enemy troops even on “Easy” setting is enough of a challenge to keep the game enjoyable.

What I mean is, 50% of a small cake is less than 5% if a huge cake. It is basic math.

Yes, games like fallout 4 really don’t need a trainer but for some reason people want one and a lot of those people use the Infinity trainer. Fallout 4 is a amazing game that everyone knows while spellforce 3 is one of those games no one talks about at all outside dedicated forums (if there are any).