Stardew Valley Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Very odd, how long have you had the save?

I’ve had it for a while. I just got back into it about two weeks ago, I think.

Hmmm, that is indeed interesting. Did you pirate the game previously with that save?

I did have a pirated version but I deleted it right before I bought it from Steam.

Sorry, I just remembered. This particular save I actually started a few weeks ago. So, it wasn’t leftover from when I bought the official copy from Steam.

So that may be the issue, if the save was started on a pirated copy you’ll probably have to start a new save for it to be compatible.

I know this game takes forever to progress but you can use item codes to get ahead to where you left off


please update instant fish catch doesnt work

The Stardew Valley cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!


Thanks for making this trainer, been having a blast using it! I noticed one issue though, unlimited health doesn’t seem to work. I think I’m using the latest 1.4.3 patch (non-pirated) as of Dec 13th if that is of any help.

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freeze time does not work either

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please fix this trainer since it’s not really usable of all it’s functions.

How can it not work he just updated it like 2 days ago.
Do you have the steam version ?
Not trying to use it online ?

I play single player only and followed all instructions with the trainer and half of it doesnt work. I even tested three times to be sure

EDIT: I also play on steam

The Stardew Valley cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!


Most things still don’t work

Instat grow crop don’t work and Time freez and Health


freeze time does indeed work as i have now tested in three different computers to be sure

EDIT: Confirmed that instant crop grow doesnt work

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infinite health and instant growth do not work, latest steam version, instructions followed.


Yeah, (the only one function that i’m interested in) is not working :worried:

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Seems to work perfectly fine for me here, Whats the issue you experiencing exactly?, I got the game on steam fully updated.