Steam deck

Don’t want to sound like a broken record here but, in the future, is it possible that wemod can come to steam deck? Right now, its impossible for me to instill wemod without it getting flagged as a virus. No amount of youtube tutorials has helped me get around this. It is too difficult for me to be reinstalling and installing the correct files for it on steam deck. I finished most of my steam games I like to mess around with cheats. So perhaps, in the near future, wemod can officially be on steam deck? I want to think that there is currently people working on how to the app compatible with the deck, or maybe that is wishful thinking on my part, and wemod might never come to the deck. Anyways, I am hopeful. Has there been any updates on progress? Anything? Thanks.

As of right now, this is not on the roadmap. While we love to support it, the adoption rate is still extremely low so dedicating a bunch of development time toward it just doesn’t make sense when there are a lot of other cool features we are working on. I wouldn’t say that it won’t ever happen it just isn’t a priority right now.

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I understand that. But I will remain hopeful for the future. In the meantime I will continue to use wemod on pc. But thanks for the information. I appreciate it!

While I’m also interested in Steam Deck compatibility, I’m curious what these other features you guys are working on are! Is there a place to see coming features or is it still under wraps?

I don’t know if you found a solution if not try this link on Github. Works great for Stem Deck and WeMod. GitHub - DaniAsh551/wemod-launcher: Tool made to launch the popular Game Trainer / Cheat tool WeMod along with your game (made for steam-runtime version in Linux).

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Yep! Dani and his friends also have a support section on their github.