Storage Hunter Simulator Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Storage Hunter Simulator
This is the official discussion topic of the Storage Hunter Simulator Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Unlimited Credits
2. Set Credits Multiplier
3. Set Credits
4. Set Renown Multiplier
5. Add 100 Renown
6. Infinite Fuel
7. Enemies Can't Bid
8. Stop Time
9. Set Time Speed
10. Add 1 Hour
11. Subtract 1 Hour
12. Instant Acceleration
13. Set Movement Speed Multiplier
14. Set Jump Height Multiplier
15. Also Teleport Held Object
16. [1] Choose Location
17. [1] Go to Location
18. [2] Choose Location
19. [2] Go to Location
20. [3] Choose Location
21. [3] Go to Location
22. [4] Choose Location
23. [4] Go to Location
24. [5] Choose Location
25. [5] Go to Location


Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 10/16/2024
    Started development

  • 10/16/2024
    Released trainer with 25 cheats

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The Storage Hunter Simulator cheats have been updated!


  • Released trainer with 25 cheats

can’t used version 9747_SHS

What version of the game this trainer is based on?

Both Hotfix #2 and Hotfix #3 were tested before the Trainer was released.
I don’t know the numeric version of those.

According to SteamDB, Hotfix #3 corresponds to build 16054868, version 9747_SHS.

In my case, after launching the game through WeMod, it gets stuck on “Loading mods…” I’ve waited for over 10 minutes, but still no progress.

Does it also happen if you launch the game first?

Launch the game first or through WeMod, same issue

Yes Sir. if launch game 1st also Loading mods… I already try Early Access and latest version. not work.

Still not function.

works for me. I never installed the Demo. I only tried add and subtract hour, stop time, enemies cant bid, and unlimited gas. All work fine. Customers stop coming to shop when I stop time but that happens all the time so…

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Same. Options are working on the full game version, and I have tried most of the amazing options we have. I did notice if you enabled the option to stop people bidding at the start, I had to restart my game as it softlocked. I never used it again, just in case.

And from your comment, I never realized we had those time options; much better now, and thanks! :smiley:

Stuck loading mods either starting while game is open, or using wemod to start it. Or wemod says it fails to load mods. (game was just updated, not sure if that matters)

Hi! Could you please let me know where you purchased your game from? I noticed that you tried starting the game first. Just to clarify, have you tried waiting until you can freely navigate within the game world before opening the mods by clicking PLAY on the WeMod app?

If that doesn’t work, please try launching the game first, and once you’re on the main menu, click PLAY again to open the mods.

Trainer needs an update, as we’re on Hotfix #8 currently, released mid December.

Hi! Could you please let us know what issues you’re experiencing with the mods?

Same as others, its stuck on Loading Mods. The current version of the game is from mid December, so I imagine the trainer needs an update.

I see. We need to try some troubleshooting steps first before we raise this to our testing team. Have you tried launching the game initially and waiting until you can freely navigate within the game world before opening the mods by clicking PLAY on the WeMod app? If that doesn’t work, try launching the game first, and once you are on the main menu, open the mods by clicking PLAY again.

Yes. I’ve tried launching it:

a) When the game first loads, during the opening studio credits dialog
b) During the main menu, before loading a saved game
c) After loading a saved game, once I am able to walk around
d) During a new game, after the initial tutorial dialogue once control is regained

In every instance, the trainer is stuck at “Loading Mods”. If I close the game however, WeMod throw a dialogue box about not being able to find the game, etc. So it detects the game and is attempting to hook, but is unable to it seems. Now given this is an Unreal Engine game and the way they handle memory allocation, it seems likely the trainer is trying to hook to registers that have changed, hence my stating that the trainer likely needs an update since there is a two month mismatch between when the trainer was released and the current version of the game. I am able to adjust ingame values using CheatEngine without incident.

I see. WeMod does not support third-party mods, and we cannot guarantee compatibility when using them in conjunction with WeMod. For the best experience, we recommend using WeMod exclusively.

try to Verify integrity Files by right-clicking on the game and click Properties. Click on the Local Files tab. Click on Verify Integrity of Game Files. Then force quit/close the WeMod App then re-launch the apps.

If so, go to your WeMod App Settings > General > Release Channel > select Stable. After that, reinstall the WeMod app.