Survival: Fountain of Youth Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Hey, ich habe weiter Versucht zu Spielen, was ich bisher festgestellt habe: Kann nicht Schlafen- Spielabsturtz: Kann auf der Verbesserten Werkbank nichts herstellen-Spielabsturtz: ich würde darum bitten alle cheats überprüfen!

update [please keeps on creashing


The Survival: Fountain of Youth cheats have been updated!


  • No Fall Damage cheat added
  • Game Speed cheat added

is there a way to make a durability mod for fountain of youth?..the durability of the tool doesnt work with the stack of 90 mod

Fly is not working.

we need an update game was just updated yesterday


I tried to play the game and the Unity logo popped up, it looks like an cheat blocker hopefully when WeMod updates Survival: Fountain of youth that error will go away.

all that works for me in unlimited weight and unlimited health anything else i put on crashes the game

green house can u add this to the update list thanks

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The Survival: Fountain of Youth cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

@FallenAngle69 Only two mods weren’t working. But they should work now.

thanks greenhouse

Hey. These mods are great. I just have a couple of gripes. First, the use of these mods prevents plants from spawning seeds. Second, even when all mods are turned off and I have logged in through Steam instead of the mod manager, some of the mods continue functioning in the game. As I said, I do like the mods. But I also need seeds in order to play the game properly, so I tried playing without them. Sadly, it looks like I’m stuck with them.

Addendum: I figured out what my problem was. I was using the “Set all Collectable Resources to 90” mod and didn’t realize that all things would remain at 90, even with the mods turned off. I understand why it happens, though. That’s what I figured out. :slight_smile: I’m using “Unlimited…” now, so all is well and all manner of things are well!

And, btw, thanks for these great mods!

How do we request and update to these cheats. There is a new version of the game.

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I’m not sure because there is usually a button. I suspect they will wait until the full release in one month to update this.