The Long Dark Cheats and Trainer for Steam

STN updates games regardless if they are voted for or not; however, games that are at the top of the update request list are going to take priority and be updated first.

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The The Long Dark cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

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Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! A million times thank you! Especially since you got it finished in time for Christmas! You are my hero! Games are my way of living vicariously each day due to rl issues that keep me confined to home 95% of the time.

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I see, I appreciate that. And I’m very grateful that the time was taken to update the trainer :slight_smile: It really means a lot to me :slight_smile:

I can’t seem to get the trainer to work… The game crashes as soon as a cheat is activated. I waited all the way until my save was fully loaded to run the trainer and it still crashed. Any advice?

It might have just been the story mode redux update on the game or maybe the new trainer update but now the unlimited item cheat doesn’t work. It doesn’t do anything and it actually makes it impossible to access my food and water without restarting my game.

Which cheat? Also you’re using stream version right?

Also story mode or the other mode i don’t remember the name of?

Get steam version?

I have the Steam version and I’m only playing the survival mode. As soon as I turned the trainer on, it didn’t matter which cheat I used- it crashed immediately.

Yes I am playing the game on steam.

Alright, checking it out

Thank you, sorry to trouble you with this :frowning:

I can’t replicate the issue. Are you guys using it with a DLC or something? I only have the vanilla game.

Okay turns out it was a mistake on my end because it seems like I encountered the issue while using the older version of the trainer just before the updated version was released on this day. There is no issue with the unlimited item cheat on the updated version so sorry about that.

My issue was the same as the other player’s, so sorry :sweat_smile: I had to manually add the long dark exe file to the updated trainer. It works just fine :slight_smile: Thank you so much :slight_smile:

Alright so I got a few bugs somehow with the update: one, using the unlimited calories makes it so the icon is just red (while full) and the hunger image disappears. Second, seems like using either unlimited health or unlimited item condition seemed to have screwed up with the world? Made things disappear and I couldn’t move. Unsure why.

Using Steam version and on a challenge (Hopeless Rescue)

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Yeah, got the same bugs. Quite weird! Hopefully there will be a fix for this soon.

Can you add Infinite Liters like water or other drinkable and Cure all disease?

Seems like I got an error and my game crashed after using unlimited calories

I have the same issue. When I turn on unlimited calories, I crash

Edit: Froze a few minutes after activating no thirst