1. Infinite Health
2. Refill Health
3. Infinite Stamina
4. Set Stamina Regeneration Rate
5. Set Stamina Recovery Delay
6. Infinite Energy
7. Refill Energy
8. Infinite Morale
9. No Hunger
10. Refill Hunger
11. No Cold
12. No Darkness
13. No Shadow Poison
14. Invisibility
15. Unlimited Item Durability
16. Set Selected Inventory Item Amount
17. One-Hit Kills
18. Set Damage Multiplier
19. Faster Attack Speed
20. Infinite Fuel
21. Game Speed
22. Instant Acceleration
23. Set Movement Speed Multiplier
24. Set Jump Height Multiplier
Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Updates and Changes:
10/26/2023 Started development
10/26/2023 Released trainer with 19 cheats
11/03/2023 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
04/15/2024 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
10/07/2024 Refill Health cheat added Set Stamina Regeneration Rate cheat added Set Stamina Recovery Delay cheat added Refill Energy cheat added Refill Hunger cheat added
Co-op is not working. I tried to play with two different friends on their worlds and the mods are not working. Is it necessary to the world to be mine for the mods to work?
Yes. Most options will only work when you host the world, since if you are playing on a work from you’re friends its server based and you wont be able to change certain things.
i played till the lower moria mines without the trainer and i tell you its super difficult in singleplayer, the whole layout is for COOP thats why this trainer is worth gold.
The cheat for item durability doesn’t seem to work on shields and armor. Also, just a little suggestion, but it might be worth mentioning in a warning on the damage increase section that those mods also increase the destruction speed of items in the surroundings.
Its not working because the game was updated, as much as i like wemod i hate the fact that it takes certain trainer creators weeks for getting out a tiny update this obviously doesnt include MrAntifun thats a master class trainermaker it wouldve been updated by now, they need to add some sort of payment like 5$ in total and the trainer is getting into the update schedule i would gladly pay that myself but as you can see buying pro does literally nothing.