The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II Cheats and Trainer

The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II
This is the official discussion topic of the The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Unlimited Cash
2. Instant Army Reinforcements
3. Unlimited Power Points
4. Unlimited Population
5. Instant Construction


Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 03/28/2021
    Started development

  • 03/28/2021
    Released trainer with 5 cheats

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The The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II cheats have been updated!


  • Released trainer with 5 cheats

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

Can you add god mode to player units for both BFME 2 and ROtWK?

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I am having trouble trying to get the BFME 2 to run through WeMod. Anyone have any ideas?

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Could really use a god mode for this and Rise of the Witch King


doesnt work how can i fix it?

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ciao volevo seganlare che i cheats non funzionano

It can no longer be switched on, it always turns off automatically

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Hello? Where is the god mode for BFME2 and ROTWK?

none work?

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any chance you can create a 64 bit version?

tarih 25.09.2024 ve oyun içerisinde çalışmadığı defalarca yazılmış fakat neden kimse ilgilenmiyor? BFME2 üzerinde wemode etkisiz. Lütfen birileri ilgilensin

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I have noticed that the unlimited population is no longer working? :frowning:

kolay gelsin aktif ettim zaman otomatik geri kapaniyor neden yapar acaba

Hi, the unlimited population/units is no longer working :frowning:

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Any chance we can get an update? The game recently updated to a 64-bit version. The mods no longer work.

Have you tried launching the game initially and waiting until you can freely navigate within the game world before opening the mods by clicking PLAY on the WeMod app? If that doesn’t work, try launching the game first, and once you are on the main menu, open the mods by clicking PLAY again.

would love this 1

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unlimited health or god mode would be amazing

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