Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Cheats and Trainer for Steam

I think that happens because the usage of the resources in the system is a different system than using it to purchase skills. Although like I mentioned earlier, an update to see if that can be fixed would be nice, but I would seriously kill for an update to add super fast leveling and tier 1 mode progression.

Note: There actually is a trainer with these functions available for the origin version of the game (which I didn’t know existed) And i tried setting it to my game to kinda jury rig it like I have with other games, no luck. It would attach but then just wouldn’t work. Plus it wasn’t Mr. Antifun who made it, I trust his the most.
Edit: Last sentence as like, I trust AntiFun’s trainers the most, haven’t failed me once.

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Update the trainer please i mean we need fast xp,fast tier 1 please add that

I have problems, when I activate a function for example that of skill points and enter the skill panel 15 points appear, until there it is fine, but when I go to buy a skill the game crashes,
the same goes for everything

Uhhh for me it just says anti cheat no found and I followed all the steps to the letter.

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It worked fine for me yesterday. Today it started crashing once I activated any of the cheats. I replaced the anticheat dll already again but that didnt help either :confused: Some things like unlimited ammo work, but godmode crashes it for me.

Cheats seemed to work first time activated, but trying to buy a skill with unlimited resources on crashed the game.
After that, now toggling any cheats crashes the game.

Please fix or mark as out of date.

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any word on an update? once I saw that this was crashing made me not wanna get the game if I’d have to grind

There is no issue with the trainer.

Yes… I can vouch for this. It’s doing the exact same thing for me as well.

There’s an issue with something… game crashes or freezes entire pc when activated. I recopied the dll to the folder and still nothing works. On steam the last update was December 14 2020. Pretty sure since then it hasn’t worked. Game version: 16.03.2020 - Title Update 21 (4792145)

The trainer was tested by myself and 5 other long time members on 12/19, it is 100% working without any issues.

Well it’s not helpful to say its working when a bunch of people tell you its not working, when it was working before. I just tried it now and I think the part that is crashing is the god mode, because everything else on the list hasn’t crashed it. But like I said, people are telling you it worked and now its not. That’s not for nothing, an update has changed something about it.

Here is a video with the majority of the cheats enabled including god mode made after the update. As I stated we cannot find any issue and the few reports here are extremely small compared to the number of people using the trainer.

Not to discredit your video, but this thread is for Steam. So it may be working on Uplay, but I’m running the steam version and can tell you that god mode crashes it. Edit: probably because you’re on Ubisoft, but you have different cheat options.

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I remade the video using the Steam version (which is the exact same as the uplay version). Here is me running around for ~6 minutes with everything enabled. Slow it down to 1/4 speed if you feel like watching at normal speed.

Not sure what is going on with this one, I am also using the Steam version and the game works fine until I activate any cheat, after that it will run for a couple of seconds then freeze and crash. If your and most other peoples versions are working, can you think of anything that might be going wrong on my end, I am doing the exact same thing I have done every other time and it used to work fine.

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I’m going to try to reproduce what you did, I noticed you didn’t turn on the unlimited skill points, maybe that’s crashing it when God Mode is on? You turned God Mode on first, which is usually what I do and it almost instantly crashes the computer…

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when i use the cheats can i play t online with friends then?

No not at all. Its singleplayer only.

All cheats except God Mode and Unlimited resources are working.

  1. God mode is activating but no effect whatsoever.
  2. Unlimited resources deactivates itself 1 second after activation.

Plz Help ASAP.