Total War: WARHAMMER 2 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

i can´´t download the cheats in the wemod app. can sb help me?

Open the wemod app. If you have the game downloaded should be able to choose the trainer then just click the play button

All chariot type units are having this problem. Also includes the war wagons.

Trainer needs to be updated for new game version, it is a beta but everyone is using it because it fixes the game massively. the request requirements have been surpassed so hopefully its updated soon

God mode cheat does not work for chariot units.

Why can’t we request an update for the trainer, when it doesn’t work?

Trainer needs to be updated for 1.8.3 but for some reason request update is disabled… what is going on?

Wemod just updated and now it says it has trouble loading into the game whenever I click play

Yepp we on it. Frank fixing as we speak

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THanks mate

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@MrAntiFun would you be able to add options for the other factions like you have for influence? for example amber for the wood elves? or blood kisses for the vampires?

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Hey guys dont know where to post it?
But I would like to have more Options for Total War Warhammer 2
for example: unlimted ambers for wood elves.

I saw offering more options from website

keep healthy!

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Population Surplus doesnt seem to work


I downloaded the trainer and saw two version, 1 by mr antifun and 1 by stn. Both versions doesnt have the “PLAY” button on the top right corner. Can someone let me know if they have encountered this issue?

Thank you for any help

You need to click the Fix button and point WeMod to wherever the game is installed on your PC. There’s a video here that’ll show you how to potentially resolve this:

Click one of the available trainers. Preferably the most recent one by MrAntiFun. :slight_smile:

Now read the note in the top-right. Then press “got it” to confirm you’ve read it. :slight_smile:

aw man, thanks! lol

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No worries at all. Enjoy! :smiley:

Most of the cheats just toggle on and then immediately off.
Yes, I have tried ending turn the clicking city and still doesn’t work
Have tried starting game then wemod,wemod then game
Tried activating in the menu and ingame still no go.
Only ones that work is fast consturction and ammo