(TuT) How to extract GPDs (save files) from xbox games :)

This is a tutorial on how to extract game saves (GPD’s) from xbox games :smile:

Horizon download:

XB360 Modder download:

Please don’t hate on my voice, i have a strange accent and my voice sounds like a 3 year olds when recorded :anguished:

Check out my youtube channel for more videoes coming soon :LOL:

:thumbsup: ! ! ! Enjoy ! ! ! :thumbsup:

Also its GPDs not GDPs.

how do you extract a gross domestic product?

BTW does anyone know how to extract svg files from games :smile:

yes. well atleast i know. make a tut anyways

Video’s does not work, can you please re upload the tut

Because there is a .sav game I wanted to mod and it fails to find GPD cause when I extract and view the contents. It only have .sav not .gpd

Open horizon
Load USB
Select games
Select game u want to mod
Find the save game file
Click extract to desktop or simply drag and drop to desktop
Mod the save
Drag the save back to horizon
Edit console Id etc etc
Save rehash and resign and save to USB if prompted to overwrite simply do so

And boom

The Gpd will be on your profile not in the save file

Read the rules no bumping old topics this is from 11-09-2011

can you please re upload the tut