[TUT] How to make a Portable Laptop Xbox 360 [TUT]

I’m sorry, but this was directly copied and pasted from Engadgets site:

How-To: Make an Xbox 360 laptop (part 1) – Engadget
How-To: Make an Xbox 360 laptop (part 2) – Engadget
How-To: Make an Xbox 360 Laptop - part 3 – Engadget

[size=20]Thanks to Ben Heck for help with a good portion of this tutorial!!

This takes a very long time to make, and each part is very long, (too long for one thread), so I had to split it up into 3 different threads (links will be on this post).
Don’t steal his work. I’m glad your good at copying and pasting, and I’m really glad you decided keep the original images from the Engadget tutorial! :laughing:

But do the discs spin out of the tray???

Yeah, I’ve been keeping up on Ben Hax work since I saw it on there. Post the proper credits please.

to much work, especially for something that is going to rrod in a year or two then you can’t get it replaced or fixed.

Ok, ide like to know why pple are still telling me things like post credit, when event he very first time i posted his tutorial, i gave the proper credits

And lolvo, i didnt “steal” it either, i completely said credits to ben heck
i said most, only because of the time and effort i put into making the post on this site
(for proper punctuation and sizing, spacing, that sort of thing) which took about an hour, hah

You said you made three of them, can you post pictures? I wanna see how you did.

**** making it into a laptop. that console is jtag exploitable!

Wow :laughing: You must be really tired after doing all of that.

The problem is, you tried to play it off as if this was your tutorial, and you need to link your source like this:

Tut 1 - Source

Very nice! gonna try this when i have some time

This makes me so mad because im too stupid to do this.

hahaha sorry llama but you and i both know that i did all of the time and editing in the spacing and what not which took over 4 hours.

my original post was on TTG and yes before any of you say anything i gave full credit to ben heck and i did say it was his tutorial.

i also admit to copying and pasting in a post on the first page. i copied it because i thought it was a pretty cool thing and wanted to share with others on TTG and im glad airborn brought it here to share

heres a link if you want:

TTG Post :thumbsup:

Im going to do this! One day…

that is amazing !

This is something I may do when I get the supplys lol I am to lazy :anguished:

This tutorial looks pretty awesome !
But i do not think i will try it, looks way to hard to do for me :smile:

Thread is 4 MONTHS OLD.

Some day, someone will make Xbox 360 laptop JTAGs. That will be the day that modding has truly covered the world. But seriously, that would be pretty awesome.


nice tut. but very long

This is copy and pasted from TTG :anguished: