This for disc id BCES00569
Ok i have been searching for a way to put other peoples gamesaves onto my ps3. It turned out there is not many tutorials on how to do this. So after a lot of searching i have found a way to do this. Heres how.
Things you will need
- Geohots cfw: Geohots
- A signed ftp server: SIGNED FTP SERVER.rar
- A GT5 gamesave: GT5-MEGA_SAVE-RiPPERD.rar
- (NOTE THE GAMESAVE FILE JUST HAS THE 2 FILES YOU REQUIRE) If you use another gamesave you would just use the same files from it.
- The official 3.55 fw:
- Filezilla: FileZilla_3.3.4.1_win32-setup.rar
The tutorial
So now lets start first we need to install Geohots cfw.
To do this just make a new folder on your desktop (MUST BE IN CAPS) and name it PS3 inside that make another folder named UPDATE then extract your cfw pup file from the downlowded rar file and place it in the UPDATE folder.
So it should look like PS3>UPDATE>PS3UPDAT.PUP now place the whole ps3 folder onto a clean (FAT32) mem stick. Now plug it into your ps3 and navigate to settings>system update>update via storage media and hit x. It will start installing the cfw when its done you will hear 9 beeps and your console will shut down. Just power it up again and thats it your now on cfw.
So now lets install ftp server extract the pkg file from the download and place on a mem stick and plug it into you ps3. Now navigate to game>install pkg files hit x and it will show your mem stick just hit x again and install the server. Now we are ready to install filezilla on you pc so download it from the link above and install it to your pc.
Next make sure you have a Gt5 savegame already on your ps3 this will enable us to find the directory we need to place the gamesave in.
So now we can start putting the gamesave on our ps3 so goto ftp server on your ps3 and run it you will see an ip address on your screen. This is your ps3’s ip so go to your pc and open filezilla. Now at the top where it says HOST type the ip address shown on your tv then next to that the username is FTPD12345 then leave password blank and put 21 in where it says port and hit quick connect. Next in the bottom left box navigate to dev_hdd0>home>oooooxxx>savedata>BCES00569-GAME inside that you will see some files the ones we are interested in are GT5.0 and PARAM.PFD.
Download them two files and make a back up!
Now open the downloaded gamesave from the link above and you will have the same 2 files inside. Just drag them on top of the ones in the directory it will ask you to overwrite them (PASSWORD - GT5SAVE) just hit ok. Once done you can close filezilla and close ftp server on your ps3 (by hitting the x button). So now thats all done you can start Gt5 and check out your new gamesave.
Once you are happy and its all working we need to install the official 3.55 firmware back to our ps3 just follow what you did to install Geohots cfw but use the official 3.55 pup file from the link above. When done you are safe to go online and enjoy your new cars.
[details= WHAT THE SAVE HAS!]Here is my Save which is on 1.05 here are the stats for the save
Credits = 14.880.485
Aspec LvL = 29
Bspec LvL = 21
Current Car = Red Bull X2010 S.Vettel
46 Premium Cars
80 Standard Cars
Special Events
Karting Experiance = All Gold
Nascar School = All Gold
Top Gear Test Track = All Gold
AMG Driving Acadamy = mostly silver (not put much time into these yet)
GT Rally = Not Attempted
Grand Tour = Mixed B,S & Gold
Sabastien Loeb Rally Challange = All Gold
A-Spec Series completion
Begginner = All Gold
Amateur = All Gold
Professional = All Gold
Expert = All Gold
Extreme = All Gold
Endurances = Grand Valley 300 km = Gold & Laguna 200 miles = Gold
B-Spec Series Completion
Beginner = 8 / 9 Series complete (needed = Vitz Race)
Amateur = 8 / 9 Series Complete (Needed = Pickup Truck Challange)
Professional = All Gold
Expert = 8 / 9 Series Complete (Silver on Historic race car cup) (need 2J Race Car or alot of luck)
Extreme = 2/9 Series Complete[/details]
I take no credit for anything use in this thread but i made it more clearer and easy to understand.