Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts Cheats and Trainer for Steam

I understand your frustration. Game updates can be tricky, and it’s annoying when they cause issues with mods. The research mod is marked as broken right now, but it will be fixed once the trainer is updated. It’s just further down the queue at the moment. Feel free to start a new campaign, and once the update drops, you’ll be able to use the mod again. Sorry for the experience.


Fix this please! Its been broken for over a week.


These things take time and, no point in “fixing” if you know they will break it again in a few days. Relax and wait i doubt they are not aware of the problem.


Mr Anti cheat, First, thanks for your hard work…
Right now Fast build and unlimited are are still working.
Just so you know.


The Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Thank you.


Just wondering but… Would it be possible to “isolate” each tech so you could say,
just advance the tech marked with the blue “Priority” Indicator?
I could be useful to just advance specific tech without unbalancing the entire
tech tree.


Oh and i tested Tech, research, shipyard construction and unlimited weapons.
They work just fine now.


Tengo un dilema, intento usar los trucos para la vercion del juego y no me permite usar todos los trucos


Hi there! Have you tried launching the game initially and waiting until you can freely navigate within the game world before opening the mods by clicking PLAY on the WeMod app? If that doesn’t work, try launching the game first, and once you are on the main menu, open the mods by clicking PLAY again. Make sure to use the most recent trainer version, which you can check by going to the Mods version under Mod settings.


I encountered a bug. Losses during landings and battles on land become very large (millions of people), the population of my provinces drops to 100 people at some point, and it becomes simply impossible to fight on land. I have not tested the game without a trainer, but I did not find any mention of this error in the Steam discussions. From this I conclude that it may be related to the trainer. Has anyone else encountered something similar? Game version Live Optx3, trainer from 11.8.24. Activated options:

  1. Fast Build
  2. Instant Research (several months, then turned off)
  3. Instant Shipyard Construction
  4. No Unrest
  5. Unlimited Money
  6. Unlimited Naval Prestige
  7. Unlimited Crew Pool (pressed 1 time, then turned off)
  8. Unlimited Ammo

    P.S. Something is wrong with Austria-Hungary. Even when the AI ​​fights them, the losses are monstrous on both sides.
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The Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Nope just the “usual” unbalanced mess we have always had.
Nothing special my end. Unless you include that in 1900 UK had
the biggest empire the world has ever seen but i can only recruit
a max of 134 sailors per month tops.
Spain for example can recruit 456, Russia 578 and China over a thousand.
Italy can also recruit over 600.
I would guess the “population” mechanic is somewhat unbalanced and/or
unstable for the game in general.

Tested this morning and everything is working fine.

Everything still seems to be working after the last update.

After a quick test this morning, all mods activate properly and appear to work correctly.

After a quick test No unrest (F5) does not activate and thus does not work.
All the rest activate when requested.

Everything seem to be working again.

Hello, for some reason, unknown to me, most of trainers functions doesnt work. I play vanila game, yes traner can launch it, but of all options only Fast (ship) build works. Others will play activation sound, switch to “ON”, and imediately play deactivation sound and switch to “OFF”.

I have just loaded in and tested everything and it all still works for me.
Everything activates when selected.

Tested after the patch this morning, everything is selectable and seems to work.

Two years and still no unlimited hull weight or increasing the unlimited money amount though Cheat Engine tables have figured it out for over a year…


Given the lack of people posting here compaired to other games, this
is probably not a priority.
Not that many people play UAD much any more.

I think a lot of people are waiting for it to be “done” at this point before going back to it. No sense devoting time and effort to a campaign that a patch will ruin your save halfway through

very true.

I think for a lot of people it’s already “done”. I can’t see many people coming back.
A lot left when they introduced mines and subs. They are still pretty broken TBH
and i can’t see them getting improved or better… dropped anytime soon, if ever.