Unable to Click cheats tab

My friend just downloaded and installed the program, after installing it and creating his account he is unable to do anything. He can’t click on the cheats tab, settings tab or anything but it is not frozen. His looks WAY different than mine so we are both sitting confused as to why, and yes we got it from this site.

Can you post a screenshot of what it looks like? It sounds like someone is using an outdated version if they look different.

he just downloaded it from the site less than 10 min ago.

I am the friend. and we checked are files and there the same too just it is not working

When you open Infinity press Control+Shift+D which will open the dev tools. Then click on the console tab. If there are any errors post them here.

This isn’t likely to solve the issue but run this to clear the cache: Infinity Cache Clearer (ICC)

Since I’ve never seen this I’m going to have to tag a developer. @frank

Yeah still doing it it is like it can pick up some of the files needed to run it

I believe the query registry is looking for installed games and the query is failing for some reason. Have you tried running Infinity as admin?

yes it always starts in admin

In truth I just want it to work for my steam Stardew valley

ERROR [support-tasks] get-machine-id:1 failed.

Do you have an antivirus running ? Try disabling that and adding infinity to its exception list.

I’ll tag @frank as he might know more

I have no antivirus that I know of just malewearbytes which it is not running

this is also happening to me as well

I got mine to work it was because all my .dll files where broken. but Fixed now

I have the same issue now and then. No error messages, but when I close Infinity down and re-open it the majority of the time this solves it. I hope it’s all fixed for you.