looking for people who want to help beat vault of glass on hard. i’m only a 28 (for now) so im looking for 28+ but would prefer 29+
GT: SJN Aden
looking for people who want to help beat vault of glass on hard. i’m only a 28 (for now) so im looking for 28+ but would prefer 29+
GT: SJN Aden
Yes you can beat it on hard and you will get gear from it as well the destiny companion app has a tracker for the raid on both difficulties that shows which rewards you have/haven’t claimed yet.
Edit: Just to not look like an idiot here I answered the question you had before with my original post before you edited the thread making it into a “looking for people” post.
Can you tell me where is it that tracker in the app? I can’t find anything else about my stats in the raid, not show me what rewards i have?
Go to your legend and advisor then scroll all the way down
All I can say is if you’re not lvl 29 then you wont be able to do it…I mean you can but you’re gonna need a REALLY good team to carry you basically after the entrance all monsters are lvl 30. I’m only saying this because I’ve beaten it twice we had two 30s and the rest 29s and it was still a struggle not to mention two guys had ice breaker sniper rifles.
I have a friend who is having some trouble completing it on Hard. He could use some help, he’s pretty good too.
His GT: Jareks Brother
He’s a level 26 but, trust me. He really good at Destiny
Oh god I lol’d so hard
I’m not 100% sure a level 26 can even damage a level 30? Honestly the raid on hard mode is ridiculous for a team of 29s+ even more so if you are getting a group of people who don’t know each other.
Is there checkpoints on the hard difficulty? I’m 29 and a couple of my friends are 29 too. I want to try it but I don’t have time the now to sit it all at once
Pretty sure there is. It only has the heroic modifier on
Cool. Surely if people do it bit by bit it won’t be that hard? I find the bit with the templar the hardest. Atheon is easier than I thought.
We managed to get past the part before the oracles on our second try lmao we breasted through it beat hard mode tonight twice again )))) but got **** again just a stupid sparrow(again). Buddy’s got vex gun -_-!
Well if I could join you that’d be awesome. I’ve already beat it on normal so would I still get stuff for doing it on hard? My team could probably do it but they think it will be impossible
How is one even allowed to start the Raid on Lvl. 30 if he is four levels back?
(I’ve tried to start the Weekly/Nightfall with a Lvl. 24, yet they it wouldn’t allow me because they were too many levels down.)
Anyways, I recently completed the Raid for my first time and was rewarded:
09x - Ascendent Energy
02x - Shattered Vault Cloak
01x - Prime Zealot Cuirass (chest armor)
…since the chest piece has not so great “perks”, increases the amount of Pulse Rifle and Special weapon ammo, I may hold off on upgrading the piece and try to get more, better suiting Raid gear.
If you’ve done it on normal you only get ace dent energy or shards after oracles and then a item after Templar then first gorgon chest to left and then ace dent energy or shard after getting relic and defending mid and then item after beating Atheon.
im online right now if anyone wants to do the raid on hard?
So you get checkpoints on hard mode? Or do you get sent straight to the beginning of you die?
Not a 100% sure yet since I don’t have a group yet. But like I said, it only has the heroic modifier enabled for hard. When you have to restart there’s a certain modifier for it
You get checkpoints theres one after door then theres one when you reach oracles then theres another after templar then another after gorgon maze and another after the jump puzzle and another after you get relic and defend mid.
So basically it’s the same Raid as normal just on a higher difficulty…