I was playing This War of Mine, when the game suddenly glitched and closed. McAfee then popped up saying potential threat quarantined. Looked into where it was and it was in the wemod files - PUP-XGZ-JO.
I had reinstalled wemod earlier in the day due to key activations not working in games (thinking I had missed an update or something, causing the program to act strange).
WeMod is flagged by just about every antivirus out there. The warning you are seeing is a false positive. I would add this folder to McAfee’s exception list: C:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\Local\WeMod.
Also, PUP stands for “Potentially Unwanted Program” which does not necessarily indicate malware and I can assure you that WeMod is safe to use and millions of people use it, but who’s to say millions of people also don’t use malicious software?
Your game closing abruptly was likely due to McAfee killing the WeMod injection to the game which can impact the game’s .exe and force it to close.
I am running a full virus check, just in case, and I did delete the file that went to quarantine. Will this affect anything? Or am I best uninstalling wemod and reinstalling again?
And thank you for replying! I’m losing my mind! Never had a virus or threat before! Went into complete crazed lunatic mode
Will do! Thank you again! I know next to nothing when it comes to these types of thing! Thank you for explaining it did help and I will uninstall and reinstall when the scan is finished
Oh thank you! will comment if anything else happens! But really thank you! I was having some serious palpitations that probably took 5 years off my life
Try adding the WeMod folder to McAfee’s exception list. The folder is located here: C:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\Local\WeMod. Be sure to enable hidden items under the “View” tab in file explorer to see the AppData folder.
And yes, WeMod is NOT a virus but most antivirus products view it that way so there is no need to worry. Also, before adding the folder to the exception list, restore the file from quarantine so it won’t keep blocking the file.
Ok I’ve added Trainer_28670_e6abd75594.dll to the exceptions list.
Please don’t think it’s not that I don’t trust you User_N4m3, you have been wonderful, I’m just an exceptionally paranoid person, especially when it comes to my laptop.
Hopefully it all goes well! Haven’t tried to use any trainers yet, will do now!
Ok i tried a trainer in a game and all seems good, however, just ran a quick scan and it said threat been quarantined again, looked into the folder and it is back in quarantine, but it is also in the exceptions folder as well? No idea what to do.
ok update - I have got rid of that file as I had a trainer file in the trainers folder - Trainer_28681_b85fc2eb24.dll and it wasn’t causing any issues so I though eh maybe that folder will just do and tried a trainer in a game and it worked so I might just try with just that file and hopefully everything will be ok
You cannot add a folder to the exceptions list in Mcafee. It specifically states that. I have used Mcafee for over a year and until recently…WeMod never got flagged. If some pup file, dll file or whatever, was added to the software and now it goes South…why fix something that is not broken?? That is not any kind of improvement. Maybe it is for the programmers…but it just creates headaches for the users.
I have a question. You say that WeMod is flagged by almost every antivirus software…WHY? The entire purpose of self-containing trainers within a single piece of software is to shield them from being blocked. If that containment and protection gets broken because of an update…then, as is the nature of trainers in general…of course antiviruses are gonna flagg them. Point…WHY ADD THOSE FILES TO START WITH?? I have used Wemod for over a year and have had the same antivirus for that long and not once have any WeMod trainers been flagged or stopped and put in quarentibed until now.
I’ve added every last trainer I use to the exceptions list for the Real Time scan, and McAfee continues to block the files, ignoring the exceptions list. The bigger issue here (from my point of view) is McAfee being out of control for end users.
All I can say is that I’d advise looking into another antivirus software (kaspersky, WebRoot, etc…) to replace McAfee.