Wandering Sword Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Wandering Sword
This is the official discussion topic of the Wandering Sword Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Infinite HP
2. Infinite MP
3. Instant Action
4. 100% Critical Chance
5. 100% Hit Chance
6. 100% Evade Chance
7. Max Move Range
8. Set Movement Speed
9. Defense Multiplier
10. 100% Drop Rate
11. Infinite Money
12. Money Multiplier
13. Edit Consumables Amount
14. Edit Materials Amount
15. Infinite Martial Points
16. Infinite Meridian Points
17. Max Friendship
18. Friendship Multiplier
19. Edit HP
20. Edit Max HP
21. Edit MP
22. Edit Max MP
23. Edit STA
24. Edit Max STA
25. Edit Strength
26. Edit Constitution
27. Edit Agility
28. Edit Internal Power
29. Edit ATK
30. Edit DEF
31. Edit CRIT
32. Edit EVA
33. Edit Qi G.
34. Edit MOV
35. Edit Sword Mastery
36. Edit Saber Mastery
37. Edit Fist Weapon Mastery
38. Edit Polearm Mastery
39. Edit Hidden Weapon Mastery
40. Max Forging Mastery
41. Max Tailoring Mastery
42. Max Cooking Mastery
43. Max Alchemy Mastery
44. Max Fishing Mastery
45. Max Collecting Mastery
46. Super Damage/One-Hit Kills
47. Damage Multiplier
48. Infinite Inherit Points
49. Set Game Speed


Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 09/17/2023
    Started development

  • 09/26/2023
    Released trainer with 48 cheats

  • 03/21/2024
    Infinite Inherit Points cheat added

  • 10/28/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

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nice, hope for this one

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It’s a great game, can’t wait for this one.

I really hope it’s done fast

The Wandering Sword cheats have been updated!


  • Released trainer with 48 cheats
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thanks for the trainer, will be trying it out in a bit

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The material amount edit code affects items other than materials including quest items, if possible it would be nice to correct it since this could lead to game breaking bugs if some check on quest items doesn’t like that item being >1. So far Health, MP and 100% drop seem to still work with the latest patch.

v1.20.6 broke trainer, pls update if got spare time, ty

Can you please update mod. They added inhertance points with new update.

The Wandering Sword cheats have been updated!


  • Infinite Inherit Points cheat added

Thank you I really appreciate it

I’m still early in the game. What does “Instant Action” cheat do?

got new update? because now cant active the cheat

Do you have your game on Steam? If you haven’t already, try starting your game first. When the game has finished loading, and you can move in game, switch to WeMod and press Play.

The game just got an update. Can you please update the trainer please.

Hey there, it’s currently in the testing queue. After it’s been tested and something is found to be fixed, it’ll be considered for the creator queue if it requires an update. Thank you!


The Wandering Sword cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
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I have used this mod for like 80 of my 150 hours in Wandering Sword so thank you for making this. It’s made exploring everything the game has to offer much more fun. Very helpful. If I could make a request, and I’m not sure if this is possible, could you perhaps add a mod that allows you to choose all of the legacies instead of only picking one per playthrough? I have them all unlocked but it is unfortunate I can only use one when starting a new game. Thanks!