War for the Overworld Cheats and Trainer for Steam

War for the Overworld
This is the official discussion topic of the War for the Overworld Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Unlimited Resources
2. Unlimited Sins
3. Unlimited Mana
4. Unlimited Core Health
5. No Mana Lock
6. Unlimited Health
7. Max Level
8. Max Efficiency


Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 01/11/2021
    Started development

  • 01/11/2021
    Released trainer with 8 cheats

  • 10/20/2021
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

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At least the NO MANA LOCK and UNLIMITED MANA options do not work. Haven’t tried the others yet.

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No work any cheat

Can we add always happy to this trainer?


I have a issue with the unlimited resources cheat: it works in a way:

It lets you buy anything and shows full gold at the top but no gold appears in the treasury which means come payday everyone kicks off because they then have to claim a giro.

anyway to fix this?

the trainer has fully stop working , now when I have the game installed instead of the “play” button being there its just the “FIX” , I’ve tried putting the game’s exe. there but that just causes the game to crash , the trainer needs updating I suppose

The War for the Overworld cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Unlimited Sins and Mana seem to have switched places

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please update , doesnt work :persevere:

trainer is half working?? some of the cheats seemed swicthed up in place. others work but not fully, and some just dont work at all. i also noticed something weired. yesterday when i used the unlimited health cheat it worked fine but today it works only on the enemy units and not my units! lol

is this gonna get an update ?, as it seems its not gotten updated in quite some time

it seems that this, among the majority of trainers, aren’t going to be updated at all so that they actually work. they’re too busy trying to make trainers for newer games and keeping them up to date to worry about trainers working for games that haven’t been updated for years

The ones that work as intended are Unlimited Efficency, Max level, and max resources.

Would very much like to see this updated, WftO is still one of my fav games both vanilla and cheated :slight_smile:

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Love the game, love the trainer! There are a few hiccups, still. The pay for creatures with unlimited gold is a bit weird. It has to have a stack of gold in the vault on a tile, while the creature pings payday, in order for them to obtain it. If you have no gold on the vault tile, it will continuously ping, even if the gold count is 100K+, thus the creature will not be paid and they will get angry and rebel.

Hi, I like the trainer for the most part. I was wondering if I could make a suggestion for raising the “infinite health” to 20k instead of 9999. For example when you have units such as highguard and their health goes up to 18k at level 10, all they do is sleep because they’re trying to recover their health, which never happens since they’re stuck at 9999. So they just stay sleeping and they get mad during payday because they don’t wake up when they need to get paid. Thanks! Hope you guys do a quick fix.

Anyone else find the cheats not working, save for unlimited core health, for the Undergames?

Hi, I believe this mode is multiplayer. Trainers have not been tested and are not meant for use in multiplayer.

Do you know if this trainer will get an update to fix the minor issues? I just want the max hp cap to get increased to like 20,000 or 30,000 hp instead of 9999 as some units have map hp of 19,000

Hi, for mod suggestions, it’s up to the creator to decide if implementing the request is feasible. I can’t confirm, tho. But since you’ve already posted it, the creator will definitely see it. Thanks!