Watch Dogs: Legion Cheats and Trainer for Uplay

when you play with the trainer all speech en sound is broken you can,t hear youre character talking when you use trainer.

Hello @Harmpie38. :slight_smile:

As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, sound issues are a known game bug which also affects people who do not use trainers. Youā€™ll notice that with a Google search, which will point out a lot of complaints on Reddit, Ubisoftā€™s forums, etc.

Using third-party software, such as trainers and mods, will sometimes cause in-game bugs to happen more often. At the end of the day, itā€™s up to the game devs to release a patch.

after using ā€œunlimited healthā€ the sound is as if you were almost dead. Everything is quiet and dull. I havenā€™t found a workaround for it except reload the game.

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So Iā€™m having an issue with WeMod

I have the correct file path to the exe but every time i press play i get a " Weā€™re having trouble starting your game or finding your opened game"

can someone please help me on this?

Why does the trainer try to force DX11? It works great in DX12 modeā€¦ Please stop this itā€™s very annoying to have to start the game twiceā€¦ Once to make the cheats work then the 2nd time is the auto restart after resetting DX12 in the options

You will need to launch the game through uplay with the battleye flag if you donā€™t want to use DX11.

Iā€™m not sure if this is an issue with the trainer or one of the many game breaking issues with this game, but is anyone else every once in a while when they press TAB or M to open up the menu, the screen goes black with only the cursor showing. When I press the same button again, Iā€™m back into the game but can barely do anything, and pressing ESC does nothing.

Just found out that the electro shock cooldown mod also works on tear gas. Hehe. Anarchist is about to have some fun.

So Iā€™m having an audio issue with the game when I use the trainer? I tested it out by launching the game via wemod and then via uplay directly without any cheats and the audio works fine when launched from uplay? Anyone else experiencing this?

ive tried everything it says to do but it still says " Weā€™re having trouble starting your game or finding your opened game"

they are updating the game with the December patch

Sorry guys but this trainer disables in game character voices. I had to go into Ubisoft to the game and put an argument in, Like a command line, just to bypass battle eye and use external trainer

Yeah I am. Had to use an external trainer

Guys go to ubisofts app and click in the game. Go to properties and then down to Arguments. put this command line in as it will not only let you use DX12, it also bypasses Battle Eye. -dx12 -BattlEyeLauncher. Iā€™m using a different trainer until itā€™s sorted. Hope this helps guys.

As of 31JAN2021 with the online gameplay active and having to run the game without Battle Eye, you lose all network systems to include the store. So I guess weā€™ll have to make a sacrifice to have this run properly.

The Watch Dogs: Legion cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

if you do the -dx11 -Battleyelauncher stuff then load game first and then turn on the mods it keeps the sound in game.

can we get a no cooldown gear hack piz ty??

Can we get a dx12 already? If you force dx11, Ray Tracing will be disabled in this game.


when launching wemod there is no play button to start game