Ways to make your desktop unique and cool

this tut was completely made by me so don’t steal unless you give gredits, have fun with this and be sure to comment
step 1. find yourself a good wallpaper
heres a great site for some wallpapers.
step 2. get yourself a good dock, i like to use rocket dock and there are many customizations for it, it is very easy to navigate and change the settings

Download RocketDock - RocketDock.com
step 3. now you can go get yourself something called rainmeter,this is much more advanced and has many more choices, it is so annoying at times that you may want to g and find yourself a tut on youtube.

step 4. do yourself a favor and get yourself a real internet browser, firefox or google chrome, or like me…use both. than get some addons for your browser, maybe a them or two, or even just get a virus scanner for it

Firefox web browser | Faster, more secure, & customizable

step 5.then you can get a media player like winamp so you can customize your window to match your desktop backround.
Google Chrome - Get a fast new browser. For PC, Mac, and Linux

Winamp Media Player - MP3, Video, and Music Player - Winamp
step 6. well now your desktop should be complete and i’ll show you mine

the girl in the back round deviant art
zenibyfajnie on deviantART

OK now heres some ways to have fun with your desktop

  1. you can make your desktop 3d, heres 2 download links for 2 different programs. there not laggy for me if that helps clear anything up
    1a. inside a cube: Shock Utility :: Shock 4Way 3D v1.29
    1b. a nicer version in my opinion but still good: RapidShare AG, Cham, Switzerland
  2. you can add little virtual eyes to you desktop that follows your mouse, you can change their transparency, size, shape, add, delete, etc…

    DesktopEyes 1.0 Download - Freeware Files.com - Desktop Category
  3. go ahead and download this desktop mini robot, you can drag him, hurt him, he’s basically a ragdoll

    YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
  4. you can get youself a WORMS desktop toy, complete with flaming worms and everything, have large amounts of fun with this

    Worms Deskmate 1.1r Download - Freeware Files.com - Desktop Category
  5. 100 apps to have fun on your desktop, create your own virtual playground, have fun with phsics and more!!!
    Desktop toybox image by Dl4All on Photobucket
    Souptoys - Get Toybox*
  6. this one made me lol, counts your mouse speed, click, wheel scrolls, right clicks, and other. have fun

    Mouse distance : Mousotron
  7. i personally love this, i can destroy peoples faces wit a hammer, infest my desktop with termites, or even burn some raw meat. many more than that inside

    Desktop Destruction Free Computer Game Download Downloadable Games Destroy
  8. ever had a inside joke that people weren’t laughing at than this one will please you. it’s canned laughter, all your do is click the bios or press F11 and it will bust open laughing

    Canned laughter box 1.0

advanced rain meter guide
right clic on a rain meter skin/ app and click edit settings, now your should have a window showing all your rain meter apps (hidden or visible)

Just wondering who is the girl on the background in the step 6 image?

Her name is Aleksandra Wydrych :smile:

She is so amazing. :thumbsup:

But nice tutorial by the way. :smile:

The original picture

[details=Open Me]

[/details] :thumbsup:

zenibyfajnie on deviantART

Thank you for this helpful TuT. I may choose rainmeter.

just added some more to this thread, desktop toys

cmon no one likes, i put time into this

You jelly?

How do I get the clock in the corner?

going to have to try rainmeter

uhm you can download rain meter skins and apps

No, just no.

This in MY opinion is a terrible guide, absolute just look at YOUR background, and your images and it all just looks like a five year old did it, and your guide isn’t even that great. It has no custom theme support, how to change your start orb, what docks to use, not using text icons for your dock, and just so much more.

And if that is too messy for you, let us view my desktop without anything on it, which also looks better than yours.

Let’s add some browser information for this beauty.

Use firefox 3.6 not beta, Google Chrome UI > Firefox Default
>Remove Windows Bar at the top
>Acts like Chrome with the speed of firefox
>All my booksmarks/Hyperlinks are an icon and only a click way for easy access
>Ctrl + T for new Tab, click, and go.

Just thought I would show my FireFox 3.6 Addons, incase anyone wondered what they should be using to browse with, I have found these addons to be quite superior to any I have ever used before, best of luck with anyone customizing their computers.


Yes but rainmeter comes installed with “Engima” Which is most commonly used rainmeter skin found on the top sharing skin websites (Deviantart etc…). Which is what I am currently using.

Download rainmeter -> right click -> settings -> <YOURSKIN> (I’m going to be using Enigma as an example) -> Enigma -> Sidebar -> Clock -> Big clock.ini <CLICK>
Click that, and it will load a clock, from there you may click and drag and leave it where you would like, when you are done, right click a rainmeter app (Like the clock) and lock it.

no need to hate on my desktop, i just made something to help people with rain meter

hi! could you send me that picture u have on step6 please? it awesome:thumbsup:
my email:rizo999@citromail.hu


oh man this is ancient

Should give it an update. :smiley: I’ll add it to my thread: https://www.wemod.com/forum/93-pc-related/51574-madmanwilmot2s-super-pc-thread.html (Y)

whats that thing in the left down corner at step 6?

ironically, this thread means your desktop is no longer “unique” or “cool”