So I was on Google earth and I came across this weird airport in the middle of Nevada. Take a look at what I found near it below… What do you guys think of it? I have absolutely no idea.
I’m about positive it’s not an ICBM silo. The openings for ICBM’s are much smaller than this area. On top of that, there would be communications equipment close to the site if it were indeed a silo.
Since they don’t have ICBM in Nevada you would be correct about that. To be honest with the fog? it is really hard to tell what it is. It could be a storage tank for some liquid or gas they buried. I doubt it is a silo used for a rocket though if it is close to an air port. All the testing was done in the middle of nowhere.
looks kinda like something that iron man would come out of lol as you can see in the middle that is were he keeps hes suit lol jk
You found the location of Chris’ stash.
Reverse image searching the image says tonopah test range