WeMod 8.1.2 now has minimum window width of 1200px

WeMod version 8.1.2 now has minimum window width of 1200px which means it won’t fully fit on a 1080p monitor in portrait mode. When maximized on such a monitor the right side of the widow is off screen.

Edit: Version 8.1.2 has a minimum widow size of 1200x640 while Version 8.1.1 has a minimum window size of 960x500


Yup. Came here to voice the same concern. I keep Wemod on my third monitor (used mostly for email and in portrait orientation @ 1024x1280) and it can’t display the whole window. Even the “Play” button is scaled off the screen.

So, to use Wemod, I have to move it to a bigger monitor, hit Play, and then move it back to where it lives.


Can we get this fixed ?

And due to this, I was simply unable to use the app, or to tell them why I uninstalled. Ah well. Useless app for me I guess. They conveniently didn’t mention this when I go to install it. Not like I have a bunch of different monitors laying around.

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