WEMOD app checking for update endless loop failing to load to dashboard

for the past 4 days i have not been able to get wemod to load to the dashboard it seems to be stuck in an endless checking for updates cycle and never ends any help to this is greatly welcome thanks guys

Hey there, please try to find and remove any WeMod-related files from your PC. Also, delete WeMod from the AppData directory and Squirrel from the temp folder. Then, restart your computer and attempt to reinstall.

Download and install the WeMod offline installer: https://api.wemod.com/client/download

Then try running the installer as an administrator to give it the necessary permissions. See if it helps.

have been trying but no joy and i wonder if it is being in china that is making it harder to do but it should not be the case but it keeps pushing back you are not online even though i am

Apologies for the hassle. To address the issue, you can try the following steps:

  1. Add the following WeMod folders as exceptions to your antivirus software:
  • C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\WeMod
  • C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\WeMod
  1. Restart WeMod after adding these exceptions.

If the issue persists, we recommend temporarily disabling your antivirus software and reinstalling the WeMod app. Please also try running the installer as an administrator to ensure it has the necessary permissions.

tried all of the above sephyyy and still says i am not online even though i am

I see. After completing those steps, could you please restart your PC and check if the issue persists? Also, ensure you have a stable internet connection.

i had to use a vpn to get it working but it works now while on a vpn not sure on without

I’m glad it’s working now! You might also want to try restarting your modem to ensure everything is functioning smoothly. Happy gaming :slight_smile:

i said it works via a vpn since i am in china and without using a vpn it still sticks in the checking for updates cycle i have reset my network adapter and even did a router reset and without the vpn it does not want to load