WeMod for Diggles: The Myth of Fenris

Hello :slight_smile: there will be options in WeMod for the game Wiggles: The Myth of Fenris someday?

Hello and welcome back to the community. :slight_smile:

Who knows? :person_shrugging:
WeMod makes trainers for games if those games are popular within the WeMod community as a whole. This ensures that the trainer developer’s time and resources are better spent on trainers that are going to be used a lot and are therefore economical.

Here’s how you can show your interest in a game trainer: Game Queue - WeMod Support.

While I have never played that game myself, the gameplay does seem to be a bit similar to Aground (Aground on Steam), which has console command cheats: Aground - Console Command Cheats.

Have an awesome weekend!

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