I’m playing Hearts of iron 4 with wemod trainer, but somehow wemod isn’t launching.
Currently I have tried reinstalling wemod, turning it off on task manager, and whitelisting wemod folder but is still not working.
I used console to check what’s wrong, and here is the screenshot of it.
Please help me solve this problem.
Hello there and welcome to the community. 
Sorry to hear that you’re having an issue. And thank you for providing a log, those help.
First of all, could you make sure your PC’s time and date are correct please? You’ll find it in the corner of your start bar.
error is commonly triggered by incorrect system time/date on the user’s machine. For example, when the clock isn’t correctly adjusted to consider summer/winter time on the machine.
Double-check the time and date is correct and then restart your machine (even if it is correct) and try again.
If that doesn’t resolve the issue, the next potential cause is interference from antivirus programs. For that, please follow the steps in this post: Wemod failed loading the cheats into your game.
Keep us updated. 
Do you have Comcast for internet by chance? The websocket error is generally attributed to a blockage from the ISP side.
Here’s how to disable Comcast’s advanced security that causes this: https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/using-xfinity-xfi-advanced-security
Let us know either way 
Well, I’m not a Comcast user so I suppose that’s not the problem.
Time is correct, I restarted my computer but the problem is still there.
Doesn’t seem like anti-virus as well. I turned off windows defender and deleted my AV and followed the steps you told me but still not working.
Well I had issues in my web browser about online certificates from Comodo which blocked me from getting into certain websites like intel… and it seems like that stopped me from getting access to wemod app as well. I fixed the problem by following instructions on the internet it the launcher got fixed as well!
Thanks anyways for your kind instructions. Time to get back on world conquest!
Glad to hear that the issue has been resolved now. 
Enjoy using WeMod and always feel free to pop into the community with questions, for help or just to hang out.