Wemod stuck on launch logo

Hi i already tried to uninstall it completely and reinstall it via the app download (which it gives me the error download failed when running the exe) found the full infinity exe it wont let me login and after i also found the wemod full exe which i installed again and im stll stuck on logo screen found out the ctrl+shift+d for the dev tools and im getting this error

WeMod v6.2.7
api.wemod.com/users:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()
vendor-bundle.js:1 Responsebody: (…)bodyUsed: falseheaders: Headers {}ok: falseredirected: falsestatus: 403statusText: ""type: "cors"url: "https://api.wemod.com/users"proto: Response
e. @ vendor-bundle.js:1

Give it a try now. Your IP address was being blocked by our firewall.

just tried it still the same

WeMod v6.2.7
api.wemod.com/users:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()
vendor-bundle.js:1 Response
e. @ vendor-bundle.js:1

That desktop is giving me the hibbie jiebies


lol i know exactly where everything is :stuck_out_tongue: and all my laptops are in the same way :xd

And I thought mine had too many icons :smiley:
But as long as you know where everything is.

Sorry that I can’t help with the issue at hand.

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its just weird it was all just fine and never had any issues since day 1 and suddenly nothing loads

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Is it still showing 403, or something else?

Edit: Give it another try. Made some changes

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No sure what u did but its working now but its weird i was logged in as use toxiclog69 :stuck_out_tongue: logged out and im logged as myself

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Ya if you sign out or dont sign in a random account Is generated.
Glad you got it to work finally ! Have fun !

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I am now having this problem too.

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Same here. :confused:

—>Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502

Same here, unfortunately, console says error 502

Me too, error 502

yeah same for me… 502

Stop all wemod in task manager , uninstall wemod , reboot PC, then try download again


Seems to be a server side issue. After several failed launches, all I did was close the app, wait for a minute or two then relaunch and it’s working again.

Finally it works, thank you ptondo. :slight_smile:

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Ok cool glad you got it to work. :+1:

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I stop all wemod in task manager , uninstall wemod , reboot PC, then download again but fail to download help please.