X4: Foundations Cheats and Trainer for Steam

With the June 29th update, Trainer works a bit too well for me.

Activating the unlimited hull mod, and after a while (in-system), the Xenons (aswell as all other factions in system) get the mod aswell. Travel away from the sector (OOS), and turn the mod off and on again, it resets for a while before re-activating the mod for other factions (only those in-system. Everything OOS works as it did prior to Timelines and it’s patch).

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Hi there.
First of all, thank you STINGERR for updating the trainer. I’m sorry for seeming impatient and I’m sincerely glad you’re still with us. I realise updating these mods is not as easy as just clicking your fingers and your efforts are appreciated. :slight_smile:

However, as others have mentioned, the trainer still has a few kinks in it. I’ve tried it out for a few hours, primarily the hull integrity mod (the only one I really use) and at times it works on all ships, even the enemy, but then then stops working at all.
I don’t want to write another essay here, but if you want a better breakdown of what I’ve tried (e.g. starting the mod with my character piloting a ship vs as a passenger; being in the same sector vs not etc.) I can provide.

I know in previous iterations of the trainer for the hull mod to work we had to make sure we were sitting piloting a ship when activating it and as of today (30/06/24) this seems to give the best (if still erratic) results.

So I think for now all we can do is keep on clicking the :frowning: face whenever we close the mod and give as good a feedback as we can.
Hopefully if we give STINGERR clear, concise information on what we’ve tried, what works and under what conditions things didn’t work, it’ll help them fix this.


Je suis d’accord avec toi.

Ceci dit, je suis EXTREMEMNT déçu car pour l’heure, nous devons A NOUVEAU attendre que X4 soit mis dans la liste d’attente. Ensuite, nous devons A NOUVEAU réinvestir des points de boost.

C’est EXTREMEMENT frustrant car il y a 45 jeux en attente actuellement et 17 le sont pour STiNGERR. Et là, je dis que nous aurons PEUT-ETRE, au train où avance les choses, le trainer pour la fin de 2024.

Mon intention n’est pas de décapiter STiNGERR par des propos virulents, mais ce qu’il a fait cette nuit sur X4, à la hâte, c’est de la merde en boîte pour satisfaire une partie des joueurs intervenants dans ce topic.

Je le répète, c’est TOUT le système Wemod qu’il faut revoir et tant que cela ne sera pas revu et corrigé, le problème que nous rencontrons ici sera toujours d’actualité.
Seulement, j’ai l’impression que les dirigeants de Wemod n’écoutent pas la communauté… mais ceci est valable ici comme ailleurs. Nous avons beau écrire des posts de mécontentement, rare sont les modérateurs qui vous répondent. Et quand c’est le cas, c’est pour nous passer des excuses bidons et de la pommade pour nous ramolir le cerveau.


Je viens de booster, A NOUVEAU, de 175 points !
J’espère que cette fois le travail, quand il sera fait… sera BIEN fait !
Si ce n’est pas le cas, Wemod ne recevra plus mon argent et j’irais le dépenser ailleurs.


The same for me, This is simply incompetent and completely inconvenient!


C’est encore une fois SCANDALEUX. Il y a deux heures STiNGERR à mis à jour 4 jeux qui étaient derrière “X4 Foundation” dans la liste d’attente. STiNGERR SE MOQUE DE NOUS !

Cela fait 13 jours que nous ne savons pas jouer à X4 alors que nous étions 1er de liste… et que tu as bousillé ta précédente mise à jour de X4. Tu devrais respecter un peu plus ta clientèle ! Et ceci quelque soit tes soucis personnels si soucis tu as.

J’ai vraiment l’impression que tu es allé chercher 4 jeux facile à mettre à jour pour montrer que tu es actif. Mais pas les jeux en tête de liste, c’est SCANDALEUX. Sincèrement arrête cette activité et laisse ta place à un autre et/ou remets la gestion de tes jeux à un autre créateur !

Tous nos commentaires sont toujours confrontés à un mur qui ne nous répond pas et ne réagit pas ! A ce demander ce qu’on fait ici à perdre notre temps et NOTRE ARGENT !

Pour ma part, c’est décidé je supprime mon abonnement Pro Wemod, j’en ai marre qu’on nous fasse la sourde oreille !


I don’t mean to sound rude, it is not my intention, but some of us are WeMod paying members. We are paying for these cheats, we are not here to donate. The games I play, luckily within a day or two have working cheats for them.

Unfortunately some of these games, are still lacking cheats after numerous months, which is surprising probably because they can’t find anyone to do them.

I am quite dismayed by the fact that the quality of cheats for X4, are almost always broken by which I mean they don’t work, or cause severe problems elsewhere in the game. Sometimes you can be waiting a number of weeks for updates, only to find said updates are still bugged and don’t work.

My understanding wemod either commission people to create these mods or they hire and pay them, after all wemod offer a premium service so we have access to all the mods, and not just ‘some’. If they are not paying the people who make these trainers, they should start to think about doing so, and have some rules about how long a trainer can go without an update before someone else takes over.

This is not a blow to Stingerr, it’s the overall experience of using wemod. As i’ve already said most of my games get very quick trainer updates, except this game and when it does get updated, there things that still don’t work quite right or not work at all.

I know it probably isn’t easy to create a trainer for this game, but if a trainer is being updated it should actually work with the latest version of the game and not just 1 or 2 cheats. Hopefully this trainer will be fixed soon but it is in a queue only ranked at 11


od for X4 not working since it got updated. It hasn’t worked correctly at all after the update. We spent a lot of points on the WeMode update that didn’t work, and now we should spend more for the next one??? It’s not acceptable, it’s unprofessional! Fix the errors


The X4: Foundations cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
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The mod is not intended to work with anything but your ship. If it works for your ship, it is working correctly.

c’est absolument faux, @Chris. Le mod à TOUJOURS fonctionné pour tous les vaisseaux de toutes les flottes du joueur avant la mise à jour. Seul les boucliers étaient détruit comme pour le vaisseau du joueur.

Donc, je continue d’AFFIRMER que ce mod ne fonctionne pas !

Et si vous modifiez maintenant le mod pour que ce ne soit que le vaisseau piloté par le joueur c’est un retour en arrière absolument débile qui ne sert à rien. Autant jouer sans Wemod dans ce cas ou mettre un mod extérieur via Vortex.


The mod was never intended or designed to apply to anything but your ship. The mod should have never been applied to any ship but yours.

En tout cas, c’est le cas. Et donc nous aimerions que cela revienne comme auparavant.


tested now , the mod , its making my ship and the enemy ship impossible to destroy … again not good … thank you again for the trainer and keep up the good work …

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With previous iterations of the mod, the unlimited hull integrity -definitely- applied to all ships owned by the player, not just the one they were piloting, it is why I used it so much; it enabled me to leave the game running while I waited for a terraforming mission to advance, or focus on some exploring, without the hassle of replacing my trade ships to random pirate destroyers every few minutes.

I know it may seem silly to you for us to focus on this cheat more than others, but for me at least, it was a valuable quality of life mod that genuinely helped me enjoy the game more.

If STINGERR has always intended the hull cheat to only apply to one ship and the previous versions’ effects were an abberation, fair enough. But the fact that the mod used to protect my whole empire in the past means it should be achievable once again, even if it is as a separate cheat option, so I would ask STINGERR as nicely as possible if they could please consider it.


The mod is NOT working fine/ Its make ENEMY ships imьortal. If you can’t do it right, then at least make a note!
UDP 8/07: enemies are not immortal now, thats good. All over cheats look fine too…

Tested the trainer and it works now … Thank you for a wery good job !


For those not wanting 10k credits at a time, I recommend turning on unlimited items with a few things in it. Then go to a vendor and sell 99% of it. Instead of holding a button down for an hour you can sell things in 10 seconds and have billions… If you turn the option off again the number in your inventory will go back down to normal levels as well.


Good morning,

I’m not educated enough on cheats to be able to do this myself unfortunately.

Would one of you amazing people working on this, please add a time freeze cheat for x4 foundations timelines missions, they are so annoying with the timers. Thank you in advance.

The X4: Foundations cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
  • Updated notes