Xbox One Modding Status

Why would GTA V be a first priority? There are other games that are just as popular. I honestly don’t think you will see any tool for Xbox one for several years.

You wont be able to mod Destiny. The save files are server side. You cant mod what you dont have. Just like with GTA 5 Online and Dragons dogma. In DD you could mod your characters stats and values all you want but could not touch your pawn since that was saved on servers and not your console.

well i see theres not been a post for the xbox one for over a year have we been forgotten :anguished:

Not forgotten. There’s just nothing to report yet :confused:

Damn still nothing? When do you think there will be an opening?
I mean what will it take for mircosoft to slip up and let something in?
Guess the external harddrive didn’t go as planned? :<

It could happen now, but it can also happen in 5 years. Nobody will be able to give an accurate date range.

Do you not remember how long it was before the first Jtag?

Let’s hope!

Can single player Xbox One games such as Dragon Age: Inquistion be played “Offline” actually???

As long as you own the disc and not digital version.

Even if you guys find a way? they will just patch it up as soon as possible:?:

Yeah it seems as if Microsoft patched Xbox 360 really fast… Do you not know how long Horizon has been out for? Horizon has been out and fully functional on the 360 since like 2010 I believe.

I’m not going to lie.

It’s really nice that no one has been able to mod it yet. That means no modders online ruining it for legitimate players.

I don’t want those kind of mods, I want mods that will let me play free games or possibly 360 games.

Psh, I’d just want the ability of taking saves and making them my own so I don’t have to spend as much time grinding for something in single-player. (ex: Black Ops: 2 - Achievement: Giant Accomplishment - I don’t want to replay the campaign/level a million times just for a single achievement that doesn’t get me anything…I’d much rather get a save where someone else has already accomplished the goal so I can move onto Multiplayer and enjoy my time on the game!)

Granted, I have used a few online mods:

  • Gears of War’s Seriously… achievement
  • Gears of War: 3’s Seriously 3.0 achievement
  • Red Dead Redemption highest level in Multiplayer
  • GTA:V with GTA: Online money (even though it was reset)
  • etc.
    …which I guess truly isn’t serious modding…more or less modifying a few digits and such.

When it comes to any Multiplayer I’d prefer not to have anyone modding. (ex: Aimbot / Modifying rank / etc.)
even though I’m a hypocrite with RDR, but that’s not a serious multiplayer game and I’m sure majority know what I’m trying to say/get across

u guys are lagging it lol…

couldn’t agree more, modding should be all about sp NOT online mp cause THAT is the only reason devs have such a problem with it, perhaps if we start showing them that we’re keeping it strictly to offline play they may start being more open minded about it in the future, just a thought.



My opinion is that modding is allowed for local gameplay.
You want your game/save modded for playing all by yourself, that’s fine with me.

Online modding, I totally agree, it shouldn’t be done.
