Xbox won't copy paste

I copy pasted many times on xex menu hut now if I paste from my USB to the Xbox the loading screen stays for a fragment of a second them dissapers and if I try in fmb dash it says operation failed

Are you using Horizon? Also, which game are you trying to mod?

1 im copy pasting my game from my usb to my xbox 360 hard drive

and im not moding it just tring to send it from usb to hard drive

You need to be more clear about what you’re trying to do. The loading screen on what only stays for a fragment of a second?

Please provide as much information as possible and we should be able to help.

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The loading screen saying etc out of etc left when you past somethong stays for a blink of an
Eye then stop

Xex menu still infroms you on which directory the copy is from , I have been working with xexmenu for 2 years and this never happened before

Is that clearer?

I have a better idea of what you’re talking about now.

Are you sure the directory path or whatever it’s called didn’t get changed? Or is the storage device you’re trying to copy the item to possibly too full to accept it? If neither of those are the possible issue you could also try deleting XeX from the Xbox and try reinstalling it to see if that fixes the issue.

i checked and its not full and i reinstalled xexmenu still have problem

but what do you mean by changed directory

i hate this

neither aurora nor fsd nor xexmenu can copy paste my flashdrive anymore

and i have enough space

i just checked i can copy from hdd1 to usb but not vice versa


just configured it

it said that device is ready but may experience problems

Have you tried re-formatting it on your PC and then setting it back up for Xbox use? If it was a good working flash drive for Xbox use before I don’t see what could have gone wrong with it.

If you absolutely had to, you could connect your Xbox’s hard drive up to your PC and manually put whatever files you need on it that way.

I’ll just get new one

Was going to either say

Sandisk are usually the most reliable but any well known quality brand is fine. Just don’t go with a super cheap no name brand as they’re more likely to have issues. I have a bunch of older Sandisk Cruzer Blades ranging from 4GB up to 16GB that have always worked perfectly with 360s and any other devices.

yeah mine is 16gb sansdisk

ill get a 34 sansdisk