Achievement Unlocker for Infinity?


Just looked at this:

I know many people are very crazy about achievement`s :smile:
Therefor i just wonder if it could be an idea to add an Achievement Unlocker to Infinity working on Steam for example.

What do you guys think?

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I think it’s too risky for bans.

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Steam achievement unlocker is just asking to be VAC’ed, especially on CSGO.

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False, steam achievement unlocker has a zero percent chance of getting you VAC banned if you do not use it with a VAC enabled game running. Well I shouldn’t say zero, but HIGHLY unprobable.


Yeah, you maybe think so, not so long ago i was added on steam by someone that had all their achievements unlocked by a tool called. S.A.M. (Steam Achievement Manager).

Then i started researching since i was wondering if we could use it on here.
I was suprised to find out many people havent been banned using it.

Of course its always a chance to get banned, but Valve Anti Cheat is mostly against people that use tools ingame to enhance their performance.

And since you dont even have to open the game to use the tool (at least SAM) therfore we havent gotten many stories of people getting VAC banned because of it.


VAC isn’t mostly used against people ingame, it’s ONLY used against people in game.

I’ve been cheating on VAC enabled games for 2 years without being banned.


Not VAC, but they can easily add a check to see if you’re unlocking achievement at an impossible rate. Like what MS did with the 360. There have been no reported bans for anything like that?


As far as I know, no.

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Ive checked many forums even on steam community and people say they use it and Valve dont care.
Even on their forums. And no one is getting banned either as far ive seen.


I’ve personally used SAM on my main Steam account to unlock achievements for every single game I own. I’ve used it multiple times since around 2011 and haven’t been banned from any game from it. I’ve only heard of people getting VAC banned from CSGO for unlocking everything.


Example on this not happening:

(Almost all achievement is on the same Time/Date)

Could be other reasons they got banned for?

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Keep going; I’m almost convinced :wink:


I guess at this point the only real issue is the fact you can’t edit the time it’s unlocked, or at least as far as I know you can’t.

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I do not believe so, if there was S.A.M probably would have it, but I have no idea,

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That’s not how VAC works. VAC isn’t even loaded until a vac enabled game is started, then it’s streamed and manually mapped into the steam service. Valve doesn’t care about this sort of thing. You’re able to dump the vac modules, and there is no check for anything like this.

Statistically, if possible, it’s just so improbable. I’m a staff member on one of the largest game hacking sites, there are with millions of members, and there has never been a single ban reported for this.


Tested the tool:

Found a way to change dates, need to lock the achievement and unlock it again.
Kinda struggle i know, maybe a way to work around it when we make the tool?
Idk, but at least you can edit the time now. Kinda…

Before locking (Check date)


Unlocked (Check date):

Thats the way i found it with SAM at least.

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Yeah i believe it wont happand that soem one get banned for something like this here either if we made a tool.
Only game ive seen people afraid unlocking games is CSGO and TF2.

But everyone has been like
"Dont open your game, select CSGO, click unlock all achievements. Wait until its done and open CSGO"

Everyone that posted their results say they are not banned, yet at least :smile:

So i beleive that it could make a fine example of a quality tool within Infinity :wink:


I never got banned and I unlocked all achievements for 2-3 games around 2 years ago.

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To the people saying they haven’t been banned after modding achievements - VAC does not instant ban. It waits from weeks to months, and then issues a ban. This keeps hackers from knowing which tools will and won’t get them banned. This isn’t saying I’m opposed to an achievement unlocker - but if you were to add one you should include a warning, as I’ve seen mixed responses about VAC band for this.

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VAC is only loaded while playing a game, and it only cares about the game.