Aliens: Fireteam Elite Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Unlimited Health doesn’t work and Unlimited Shield also works on enemys.


Yeah, same problems. Unlimited Health stops working after a while and then all of the sudden the Synths also get unlimited health and shield so I get stuck on a part of the missions. Sucks, but I hope the cheats get an update to where only the player is effected by the cheats, not every human-based entity.


Honestly, as much as I’d like to have working cheats ASAP, it seems like they’re patching pretty often in these early days after release, and every patch breaks cheats that were previously working, so it might be better to just wait a couple weeks for things to calm down with the patches before trying to update the trainer.

Heh, never thought I’d be annoyed with a game dev being so on top of bugfixing. Now if they’d just fix difficulty scaling so that going above a power level of about 230 (even with no weapon mods or perks equipped, because character level increases power level despite not actually improving your stats or anything :expressionless: ) doesn’t make the game spawn a frankly unreasonable amount of special enemies…

Seriously, just played the second mission solo and outside of moments where enemy spawns are disabled, couldn’t go ten seconds without a pair of prowlers or four bursters spawning in. I actually wouldn’t mind not having cheats if the scaling weren’t so BS for solo play.

the game is actually designed this way so you don’t get too complacent in the maps. You’re meant to always be tense and on your toes.

seeing the posts^ for infinite health and shield. On harder levels: intense, extreme, insane. the cheats don’t work but on casual and standard, the cheats are working on full effect.

The friendly fire on later difficulty levels might be affecting the compatibility with the INF Health and armor options.

cancel this note. even on casual and standard it deactivates.

Hello, a few things when you have time.

Can we please get a one hit kill Cheat added?

Some cheats make synthetic enemies completely unkillable. (But they kill you just fine)

Infinite ammo/bottomless doesn’t work on flame thrower.

The health cheats seem very unreliable for the AI teammates, which can make harder difficulties an absolute miserable grind against insane mobs/enemies.

@Septimius My problem is that the literal non-stop special spawns even happen on Casual when you unequip all attachments and class/universal perks and are using weapons with no perks, because your character level (not class level, the level shared by all classes that does literally nothing but increase your power level) pushes it over the threshold where things become extremely unreasonable for solo play if you don’t have good cc or high DPS (so R.I.P. attempts to level Doc solo).

I wouldn’t mind the increased spawns if literally everything that increases power level actually contributed to improving DPS/survivability, but since character level just permanently bumps it up while giving you absolutely nothing to justify the power level (and thus difficulty) increase… Kinda trash aspect of the design, really. Either character level shouldn’t affect power level, or each level should give small boosts to stats like more max health or 1-2% extra weapon/ability damage or something.

As it is now, for solo play at least, it doesn’t so much “keep you on your toes” as it does just drown you in enemies to the point where it’s more annoying and frustrating than it is challenging, especially if you’re playing Doc (which I’ve been trying to do, it’s pretty infuriating).

Anychance we can get an EXP slider? would be a god send in this grindfest to unlock attachments.
And if possible ability to speed game up? Trying to get the trigger discipline achievement but playing with others and trying this is gunna be aids and the bots are already aids. Would be trivial to do if it was just (solo)

So ive worked out the reason behind this. It seems that the game actually keeps count of how many shots you’ve fired. Eventually you reach the max ammo count of your weapons.

That’s when they stop dealing damage, the only way to regain damage, is to turn the cheat off, empty all your stacked ammo, then use an ammo crate to refill it back to maximum. But essentially that makes the cheat useless since you don’t really have max ammo, and you end up with more issues than if you played without it on.

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Better off at the moment to just run demolisher with no cooldown and spam E with damage boosted.
Nothing can get near you and it looks funny as hell watching xeno struggle to regain composure plus doesn’t do team damage so you can get that ASS “Trigger Discipline” achievement without having to play with synthetics and wait till they kill themselves.

I am a non-Pro member obviously but I’d like to just say thank you to @MrAntiFun and the team for making the cheats Free for everyone.


I believe it happens when you aren’t hosting the game, I’ve been unable to recreate this in games where I’m hosting, but have experience this in testing with a friend.

Please at XP boost …that will highly appreciate it


Please xp …we need it lol thank you


Having trouble on Casual and Standard where the Health and Armor cheats last a short while before failing. I have yet to test on anything of higher difficulty.

Also, they seem to be applying to the Heavy Synth enemies as well, when activated. During the third mission of the second campaign, Alpha, Beta, and myself were gunned down easily but couldn’t make a scratch on these enemies. On the plus side, I had plenty of time to enjoy the environments like I wanted to, in between the dodging and ducking for cover.

Additionally, flamethrower weapons are apparently not counted by the Ammo cheat.


is it possible to add the capability to set an x amount of resources instead of it being infinite for some reason it is perma active even after wemod is closed

hey the trainer works great thankyou. but I am having trouble vs certain enemies (synthetics) where the infinite health and shield doesn’t work they are able to just kill you


Yeah the Infinite health and shield does not work at all

nope unlimited health and shield stop working on the second load of missions especially on the evac mission when you have to fight a load of heavys with fire and rockets…