This is the official discussion topic of the
Aliens: Fireteam Elite Trainer and Cheats in the
WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!
Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.
Trainer Options and Cheats:
1. Unlimited Health
2. Unlimited Shield
3. Unlimited Stamina
4. Instant Ability Cooldown
5. Unlimited Resources
6. No Reload
7. Unlimited Ammo
8. No Recoil
9. Better Accuracy

Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Updates and Changes:
Started development
Released trainer with 9 cheats
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
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Thanks a million, Mr. AntiFun! Really appreciate it!
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Grateful is an understatement! Thank you very much MrAntiFun!
Synth enemies are unkillable and can kill you with health and shields on
after while the guns will stop doing any damage att all while i have inf ammo and better acc on also can still get killed even with inf health and inf ammo doesnt work on flamethrowing weapons
i think this is because you have synth teammates so it registers anything with a Synth tag as essential if you have Inf health on
you literally cant kill synth enemies, bit pointless…
will it be a update soon for this trainer
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works fine for me all the mods take off mulplier damage and just use one hit kill and take off npc than they will die easy very easy
We need that flamethrower love for unlimited ammo! 
Can you explain what you mean take NPC off?
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Ok I figured out what makes the inf health worthless. Turrets and Synths will always make your health go down.
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Lol yeah still get lit up by the androids or any level with a turret
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if i was aloud to make a trainer for this game or any game wich i know how to i would put it on wemod but im not allowed to and thats breaking wemod rules and its up to wemod to let people upload there own trainer or we have to ask wemod im not shure
some cheats works other not more since the update
so we need a update to this trainer please
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