Anno 2205 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

non of the cheats. i can enable cheats but it does not effect on game. also some cheats disables it selves after i turn them on

I am not aware of any steam updates so not sure. Do you have latest steam version?

maybe that’s why. i’ll check it out. thanks for your response.

Anno 2205 Cheats and Trainer all ways crashes,

What’s your game version?

The No Energy requirement working, but not the unlimited gold

What’s your game version?

Same here, then I turn on anything that is Unlimited. It just crash and close out the game.

Do you have the uplay version?

Yes, I’m playing the Uplay version

@STN how can I activate unlimited gold or unlimited workers (the cheats that have inventory next to)?
I think the trainer is not working right…

Did the game have an update? You have the uplay version?

Hey @STN I’m actually playing on the version 1.8.1 the last one, bought on Uplay, I’m unable to even launch the game, it instantly crashes, may you help me ? I have all the DLCs (in case you need that information)

Did the game have an update?

I don’t know I just bought the game.

Okay. I’ll check it out

Thanks :slight_smile:

It also works with Uplay !

I have game on steam . just reinstalled it . using trainer causes the game to crash.

hola no me funciona ninguno de esos trucos