Assassin's Creed Odyssey Cheats and Trainer for Uplay

oh ok, guess I missed that part of the instructions lol

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will try that.

nope doesn’t work.
as soon as i load the save i spawn off map and if i press M the game crashes.

No idea why that’s happening in your case. I’ve been using this “fix” since I started playing Odyssey again a month ago. Except for the occasional few seconds where it won’t work or it tele-skips across the whole map but those can be easily fixed by FTing to sync points.

Are you sure you’ve activated it on the welcome screen right after launching the game? It will fail and cause what you just said if you already loaded a save then escaped to a menu to activate it.

yep. did it in main menu.
as soon as i click Load Save
i spawn inside the ocean.

Hmm. That only ever happens to me if I activate the teleport cheat on the Esc menu, never got it when activating it on the main menu.

Try one of these:

  1. On the title screen, the one that says ‘Press any key to continue’ or something, activate the cheat there.
  2. Don’t activate any other cheats on the main menu. You can safely activate everything else while in-game anyway.
  3. Load a different save. Maybe the save you’re trying to load has already been messed up by previously failed activations.

nope still the same.
only difference this time was… I wasn’t off the map. I was exactly where i saved in front of my objective. which was 20m in front of me. But the camera was under water.
and as soon as i open the map, the game crashes.

To be totally honest, I’m out of ideas by now. I tried what I could but just can’t replicate what you’re experiencing. The only time I do is if I either activate the teleport while in-game or after loading the game in an escape menu. Never got the bug for the times I’ve activated it on the main screen. Are the other cheats working for you though? It’s just the teleport that’s buggy?

This is a hail Mary but, what version of the game are you playing? Nevertheless, maybe try out older versions of the mod? You might luck out and find one that would work. Or maybe you have mods installed that affect the same variables as the teleport.

Ultimate Edition v1.5.3 FitGirl
all cheats work except for the Teleport and Infinite Adrenaline.
those are the only 2 that don’t function. So it might be the game version.
Still i don’t know how it would break something as simple as map coordinates. It’s obviously dislocating my character so the teleport function works, but instead of injecting the get/set code it just directly spawns me at a random location.
if i could dissect the trainer code i might find the issue but…

I would have to guess because of the cracked version you are using.
These are made for uplay version. Got lucky your version of the cracked game works at all

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Yep, what @ptondo said.
Cracked games have had their files messed around with so much that they’re barely recognised as the base game anymore and will therefore be partially or completely incompatible with third-party software such as trainers and mods. There is no fix for this other than buying the legit version of the game.

I use the steam version of AC Odyssey and have been having a lot of issues with teleportation. I don’t really think that function works properly. It will either teleport out if the map or teleport to the middle of the map. It worked for a second before not working again. This was after I enabled it on the main map screen. Right now, I’m verifying my files in case that that’s the issue, but I believe it was the last DLC that made the issue.

I think I found a stupid solution. I just kept spamming, not holding, the the alt x button and it worked.

Update: It worked for the first minute before not working at all.

Don’t activate it on the map screen or any time when you’ve already loaded a save. Turn the teleport on while still in the menu/title/welcome screen or whatever else it’s called right after you started the game.

I’m too lazy to start the game just for a couple screenshots but here’s the two safest place to activate the teleport cheat, never bugged again for me. Just activate the teleport cheat here, nothing else since it may cause your game to crash.

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The best place is that first screen. I’ve tested it multiple times, and it is the best place to activate the cheat.

It worked for about 2 minutes, and now it doesn’t work. I tried to after I fast traveled, but it still didn’t work. Does teleporting into the water break the cheat?

Yeah, that’s where I activate it too. Num9 sort of became my “Press any key to continue…” button. Lol.

What do you mean it doesn’t work now? The Alt+X command? Yeah, sometimes it won’t but that should rarely happen. Usually FTing “fixes” it for me but if still doesn’t, just run around, climb stuff, use long dodge on any direction, just random stuff really that triggers some interaction.

Iirc, I can teleport into water no problem (used it to clear underwater locations i don’t want to sail to). Only thing is depending on the height of my previous location or the location of the pin, I sometimes teleport underwater or a few metres above it. But it should be fine and you can resume normal control no matter what.

What I noticed however is you won’t be able to Alt+X immediately after you’re out of any body of water (even shallow ones) which prompts me to fast travel somewhere before I can use it again. You also can’t use it while in water.

So, am I the only one that has an issue with the enemies becoming invincible when I activate the damage modifier?

I’m having the same issue. Doesn’t seem to happen every time though.

They don’t become invincible, if you deactivated and then reactivated the Hook Player Damage Multiplier while in-game, it resets to 0, so you’re giving 0 damage. Just change the multiplier value again (basically just decrease then increase) and you’ll get your damage back.

This goes for all the other multipliers where you have to set a value as well (resources, XP, ship damage, etc).

If you set the multiplier too high it causes an overflow and effectively sets the damage lower than you would do normally.

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