Assassin's Creed Odyssey Cheats and Trainer for Uplay

The trainers could be conflicting in the game. I wouldn’t use both at the same time. Especially with this game.

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it does not everything works when i start wemod first and the fling trainer later its just does not work the other work around

@SunBeam Awesome trainer man, works great. Any ETA on an infinite adrenaline for our dear Misthios?

I’m not responsible for FLiNG’s anti-debug. You should go ask him why this happens.

EDIT: I find it funny how people ask in this trainer’s topic why ANOTHER trainer doesn’t work alongside this. I believe FLiNG’s trainer has more options than my trainer; you might as well use that if you like it that much :stuck_out_tongue:


sorry i did not mean to blame you in any way for it i just wanted to inform others who wrote that none of the trainer options work for them and that is the problem i had and how i fixed it so it´s not your problem i just wanted to help others maybe it will help them

First off, SunBeam, CLASSIC POST and amazingly accurate, thank you for echoing every gamer over 25 out there’s views on newer gamers lack of looking for answer (google is good) first.
((POST HERE)) Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Cheats and Trainer

Second, Amazing Trainer, Thank you. Very well made and you are so fast to update when Ubi do a patch.

People read up before asking over and over the same things.

Ori Ore is SERVER SIDE. no cannot be adjusted.

You cannot adjust the value of resources that you do not have at least 1 of…

I have noticed if you use the teleport and you are at sea level or in water you can end up under the map by accident, so suggestion is to teleport to a viewpoint if it happens and try again.

Also i would suggest not trying to teleport to the Volcanic Islands or any of the “Legendary Quest” locations without first visting, aka Medusa / Cyclops / Minotaur if you havent been to the island as you will de synchro and have to reload save.

Possible to get Inf Stamina?

Guess I will have to write extensive details on the OPTIONS in the trainer, just so people understand these options are not 100% perfect. They will never be, no trainer out there can guarantee that. Unless they use dedicated engine functions which developers have left in. I’ll see what I can do and put it in the main post of this topic, just so I don’t hear any more complaints. Being aware of what works and what doesn’t, how to operate stuff and so on will give you a sense of awareness. As well as (hopefully) limit the number of “no work 4 mi” posts.

Alright, folks. Updated the main post of this topic with directions and observations. Hope all is clear now. You have to understand I couldn’t cover every possible scenario out there; so if some option fails to work as intended at some given point in time, work it out as best as possible (try other approaches) instead of reporting “it doesn’t work anymore”. Keep in mind that kind of reply doesn’t help ME help YOU.



I wanted to add to SunBeam’s excellent new first post of instructions for the teleport function.

If you find your “land” on bottom right says you are example in Messara when you are actually in example Kos after teleporting using trainer, right click a viewpoint in the land you really in to force game to reset location.

Also happens when loading previous save from “in adventure” if you havent gone title screen before loading save so remember to synch a viewpoint in new land beforehand… If no new ones to synch Shft-E will resynch an existing one you already have.

If you are teleporting to dry land remember to give up control of your ship first as i tested and you take boat with you and can lead to many tries at not flying over land on ship XD.

Please remember SunBeam isnt a WeMod official trainer maker yet and like us wants to play the game too.

Thanks again SunBeam for the excellent trainer, wait till you get to end of Atlantis quest for huge question, or cult quest to answer that question… Hope you enjoying playing as much as we are using your trainer to see the full game without the massive grind…

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Meanwhile, I’ve done this:

Work in progress, will finalize it sometime today or tomorrow :wink: You may have noticed there’s no render points patched-in yet (textures don’t load till you pop out of thin air at camera location); we want this to work all the time.

Once implemented, I don’t wanna hear anything else about teleportation :smiley:



:astonished:wow impressive it looks amazing thank you very much :pray:

I can already tell this’ll be extremely helpful for those times I get clipped under the map or in cave walls lol

The Assassin’s Creed Odyssey cheats have been updated!


  • Free Camera + Teleport To Free Camera cheat added

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues! And make sure to read the description of this option in the first post up top!

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Seems to be an issue with the unlimited ammo cheat, it works fine when you enable it, though if you disable it and attempt to fire an arrow you get a crash to desktop, thanks.

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Acknowledged. Updating.

I can’t seem to use The Free Camera option. It enables, locks all character movement, and does…nothing? None of the movement keys seem to move the camera and the only keys that seem to do anything are the menu keys and the letter “Q”. Am I simply using this wrong? Are there different keys for the camera movement?

Edit: I am using the Steam version, latest update

The Assassin’s Creed Odyssey cheats have been updated!


  • Fixed Unlimited Ammo script.

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

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Just make sure it’s not an AV issue, whereas it’s blocking keyboard hooks. On my end everything works just fine (WASD). Have you tested F,Space,Q?

Yes I just tested, I just disabled all AV, restarted my computer, WeMod, and the game. Q seems to teleport the player to the camera but wasd, space, and f do nothing. :thinking:

Edit: If there is anything else I can do to help test, let me know and I’d be more than willing to help out.