Assassin's Creed Odyssey Cheats and Trainer for Uplay

Thanks for the kind words; I plan to play this at my pace and when I come up with stuff, will post it here, as CE tables (with instructions). Will later on adapt them to the trainer. The inventory editor is a tedious task: there’s a ton of items to map out to begin with, then I don’t know if the interface allows me to add something like that. The most I have access to is a drop-down list o_O. That would theoretically work if you people let me find out where the “give item/amount” function is :stuck_out_tongue: Then you would select item from drop-down and hit a button to add X amount (preset amount). That’s at least what I’m thinking of.

Then there’s the inventory weapons, equipment, horses, etc. - which I’d like to do pretty much in the same way I did in Origins: item swapper :stuck_out_tongue: That’d allow buying a standard item and converting it to whichever you want, via hashes (including H ones).

this looks good inventory reader with the amount you make this for WeMod too (maybe) ?

it is possible to edit the Helix Points ?

Is there any fix for the Abilities glitch?

What abilities glitch?

He said you lose the points when you close the window or something. No time now to check. Stay tuned.

Hmm didn’t happen to me.

@everyone: If you wanna help out, then please download attached table. Then:

  1. With Cheat Engine installed, double-click the table.
  2. Target ACOdyssey.exe process from the list.
  3. Enable “Shoot Hook” script.
  4. Fire your arrows.
  5. Post the Hash you see in CE window, along with the name of the typed-arrow or whichever tool you used so I update the Unlimited Ammo/Tool script.

Example: – Normal Arrows (860 Bytes)


(Note: you cannot use the trainer while doing this, as it will overwrite data in a cave both the trainer and script use)

I was trying to make a table for a dif game for the past 2 - 3 hours but i suck . so i will go back to playing ac. will try the arrow thing.

Paralyzing Arrows: 0000015A4CA332CB
Poison Arrows: 0000015A4CA332CA
Fire Arrows: 0000015A4CA332C8
Explosive Arrows: 0000015A4CA332CC

I’m still missing the last type of arrow.


is this Trainer only for Uplay or Steam too ?

i have seen this

It is for Uplay but should work for both.

Cant use it because it is for Uplay

i have it on Steam

That does’t mean you can’t use it. That just means you need to manually select the exe.

is this possible ? how ?

By clicking the fix button in the WeMod app then going to where the game is installed.

this ???

If that is the exe then yes.

I have it on steam and have been using the uplay cheats just fine.

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Are you referring to inventory items and such? If so I can keep updating this as I get more

Torch: 00000167ACE055A9
Bear Fur: 0000017C09EDAED6
Leopard Fang: 0000017C09EDAECC
Shiny Braclet: 0000018138CD0300
Used Knife: 000001836BED9250
Goat Cheese: 000001836BED9270
Broken Arm Guard: 00000167ACE055A1
Lavendar: 000001836BED92B0
Used Clay Tablet: 000001836BED9238
Jar of Honey: 000001836BED92C0
Bread: 000001836BED9290

I’m unsure if this was mentioned already but infinite materials would be appreciated, but everything else so far has worked great.

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