Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Well the cheat isn’t even able to activate, period. Seems there was another update in December of '20 and no one is requesting one to keep up. I just purchased the entire game with the Holiday discounts going on.
So, if any of you are still playing this game, please request it.

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I’m not having any problems with the program. At times the unlimited health won’t stay on, but it still works. My hit points on my ship never go down.


Unlimited health worked on a new campaign and then partway through it turns off and then ceased to be able to be enabled.

From a gameplay perspective, unlimited armor will prevent your ships from being destroyed, BUT unlimited health will prevent your subsystems from being destroyed which includes things like navigation, weapons, etc.

Could benefit from an unlimited limited resource cheat for ‘Resource Points’ and ‘Tylium’.

Anyway, really appreciate the dev team’s efforts.

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I was having the same problem and then by sheer accident, I have discovered how to get the unlimited health to stay on. It has to do with the order in which you launch the game and enable the cheats.

  1. Run WeMod
  2. Run the ‘game launcher’ and then launch actual game
  3. Alt tab and in WeMod click ‘play’
  4. Enable the cheats in this ORDER: Instant Missile Cooldown, Unlimited Ammo, Unlimited Armor, and LAST Unlimited Health

It should stay on. No clue why this works but unlimited health stays on.


Well, for me it won’t even synch with the game when I hit ‘Play’ so I can’t make the above work.

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Hello i cant use the trainers as it doesnt support my game version, can we have it updated pls

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wanted to throw it out there, just bought the game and installed for the first time, zero issues running on steam. Maybe install/reinstall? fingers-crossed for ya

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9/09/2021 unlimited health inop.


I would like a tylium cheat, requisition points, and such, if possible, or a multiplier slider. Despite this, it works great for me. Thank you for the work!


Unlimited health cheat deactivates its self, late to the BSGD party. o7

Get Cheat engine to mod the script, and scan for the numbers about 3 different times(I.E. use a little before next scan), should inject you with enough points.

It would be awesome if you could add in points cheats, anything like a unlimited points or set points to this. That way we don’t have to fiddle and wait around. But so far, no complains they work perfectly, especially when you loose a few ships on a mission and get stuck.

Unlimited Health keeps toggling off and can’t be turned on.

lol i press for unlimited health to turn it on and it goes right back to off

Unlimited Health worked yesterday but not today. The others all seem to be working though.

With as much work as MAF is doing on other mods, this one’s Unlimited Health not working (true for me as well) is probably not even on WeMod’s d̶r̶a̶d̶i̶s̶ radar any longer.


Bumping the thread.
Unlimited health needs fixing, could you add if possible, unlimited resources for the different types?


this mod is by MrAntifun, he has been very sluggish this few months, expect nothing from him, best to ask other modders for help.

Great mod. Can you add the currency so we can build our fleet faster as well?

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Thanks Chess, was wondering why the infite health was so haphazard and this sorted it!

For anyone else coming into this - Follow Chess’s instructions to use infite health:
in that order.

Also for missions such as “Hera” make sure you deactive the health and armour before going in or the objective will fail as a civ ship is planned to die.