This is the official discussion topic of the Big Ambitions Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!
1. No Aging
2. Set Money
3. Infinite Energy
4. Infinite Hapiness
5. No Hunger
6. Infinite Health
7. Infinite Fuel
8. Parking Is Legal Everywhere
9. Traffic Amount
10. Stop Time
11. No Bank Interest
12. Unlimited Store Products
13. Store Always Clean
14. No Employee Demands
15. Infinite Employee Satisfaction
16. [Sel. Employee] Satisfaction
17. [Sel. Employee] Age
18. [Sel. Employee] Hourly Wage
19. [Sel. Employee] Skill Slot
20. [Skill Slot] Type
21. [Skill Slot] Level
22. Set Year
23. Set Day
24. Set Hour
25. Set Minute
26. Game Speed
27. Set Movement Speed Multiplier
28. Teleport to Destination
Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Updates and Changes:
03/13/2023 Started development
03/13/2023 Released trainer with 21 cheats
05/30/2023 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
08/31/2023 Traffic Amount cheat added No Employee Demands cheat added Infinite Employee Satisfaction cheat added [Sel. Employee] Age cheat added [Sel. Employee] Hourly Wage cheat added Set Movement Speed Multiplier cheat added
12/13/2023 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
04/19/2024 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
07/18/2024 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
10/18/2024 Teleport to Destination cheat added
12/17/2024 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
Perfect, I love your trainers, that’s all I would like to have, since it’s not finished why not abuse all the resources while the game is still in development, thanks a lot for the cheats
J’ai trouvé un bug survenant après avoir modifié la fonction d’un employé.
Une fois cet employé placé à un bureau de mon siège social, le siège social n’apparaît plus lorsque on clic sur “BizMan” du “Bizphone”.
Seul solution pour gérer ses employé est de se rendre dans les locaux et de cliquer sur "Ouvrir dans Bizman, ou virer l’empoyé.
With the latest game update there are some new jobs that have been introduced. Is there a timeframe as to when WeMod will be updating for all of the new in-game content?
trainer needs an update, no employee demands does not work, also as far as I can tell, changing employee hourly rate also does not work, it changes the hourly rate in the employees bio but still takes the original amount they asked for when you pay them, great work keep it up
Hi it looks like you might have set the Traffic Amount mod to ‘No Traffic,’ which clears out traffic from the roads. However, you may still notice cars parked on the side of the road.