Black Ops Save Editor?!?1

can it mod me 16th prestige?

Black Ops Save Editor!

Nice as always guys.


Keep up the good work, from Horizon to this. Your tools keep getting better.

Cheaters got bawlllllllzzzzzzzzzzz

Wish we could mod our rank online with it yO

He’s not the one making it unknown v2 is >.<

Black Ops hacks n stuff yo, nice work.
Can’t wait to mod the campaign. I’m sick of these gay GPD mods :wink:

Will this tool be updated, or will it be released and left?

sh*t’s fresh.

any chance we might be able to use some of it in solo zombies?
otherwise looks great devs. cant wait.

That’s what I’m wondering. Do you know the answer to this yet? I would think yes, but I’m guessing it won’t be an auto-updater like Horizon. But we’ll see :smile:

Good job but we should really be spamming unknowns wall with thanks. :wink:

Finally a Black Ops save editor !

your save does not seem to work, and unknown v2 thanks for all the hard work on this tool

Knowing XboxMB, coming soon means wait a few more months haha.

All serious unknown, your a boss. You usually produce things quickly.

ha awesomeness, this is gonna be interesting. nice work!

Why is everyone saying Cheater covered his ass, did he get in trouble or something? Sorry if this is old news.

Cheater got in **** with activision for releasing codtool and he can’t make any more call od duty mod tools or else activision can sue his ass.

Yeah he has had a little trouble with Activision in the past. But good job Unknown.

Oh My ****ing God!! You think Cheater’s done it all and then… POWWW!!!