Borderlands 2 Custom Xbox Slim

Wow you are good at it

I hvae used a 2 part epoxy before. Strong, just its a bit runny. Dont want to see bits of glue on my plexi.

I have seen alot of people use 3M double sided tape, the best strength one. Ill post up, probably go that way this time.

Some more progress for today.
Expanding Foam
Wanted to add some rocks / terrain to the bottom of the case, add a display for the Xbox case. Wrapped the case in some foil and tape to not get any foam on it. Raised the case up a bit from the base to add some height.
I was filming the expanding foam but the camera went flat 10 seconds into the foaming. Real dirty stuff, definatly will be wearing gloves next time, sticks to your fingers real good.

Sony Bloggie. Never will i buy one of Sony’s products again. Battery life is terrible. Needs to go in for warrenty.

Looking good man, cant wait to see the finished project!

Removed the case from the base, this is why i used the foil, made it alot easier and nothing stuck to the case. I will be carving the foam and using filler ( bondo, body filler ) to get the shapes i want.

I have to give you props man, that is going to be one fine Xbox. Can’t wait to see what you’re going to do next, because so far you have a very interesting mindset.

Maybe make the xbox look like the glowing Eridian rocks?

Begun to look sweet :smiley:

i’d like to see a gloqing borderlands symbol :stuck_out_tongue: may be cliche but ohwell lol.

wonder when we get to see it finished?
its lookin pretty awesome so far

I need ideas to help me finish it. Im stuck.

Any ideas for color. Cant think of anything good just yet. Designs. Any help would be appreciated.

Hope the below pic helps you with the color palette with regards to the blue case you done so far (awesome)

I think Red stripes would go good. Like spray paint, and not solid. I don’t know how to explain. Would look good.

just do the big red logo on the side and do the eridian stuff or whatever thats called, and have it be like blue or green going all up and down it

Thats the first time i have seen any of the blue. Not to sure about that. Red, Orange and Black seem to be pretty common for Borderlands 2. The rocks will be a grey color. Need to get some better pictures for refrence so i can show what i mean.

Red/orange and black “Rocks” would look good. And orange and red would go good on the box itself, possibly.

Hope you did not get the wrong idea what i was referring to is that using the posted pic can assist you to come up with ideas with a blue background you aldi done for the case…

Borderlands2 images :thumbsup:

Also just a word of advice since borderlands 2 is gonna be set in a more ice/snow world environment, the colors of the base looks good unless after you grey them you cover the top with portions of white to depict snow or ice crystals… :smile:

Are you sure about the ice/snow enviroment. Im sure it will have its share of that, but i will have to have a more normal enviroment dont you think

These are the rocks i want to achieve

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I too have saw a bunch of snow. I think it was just the previews.

It was that whole mission is on a snow base.