Borderlands 2 Custom Xbox Slim

Awesome work, its always nice to have the right tool for the job.

I take my time with them, otherwise i wont be happy with them. Slowly getting them both finished now, Liquid Cooled Xbox Slim is almost done, need to put up a recent update, its all running and back together, finished. 99% just deciding if i want to re do the window in the side panel. Not 100% happy with it.

Thanks to Modiify for the package, received it today and within a couple of minutes i had my controller finished.

I decided to go with the orange buttons and to make it stand out a little i kept the original B button, i played around with a few different combinations till i came up with this design.

Modiify Custom Thumbstick, they are the mushroom shaped like the PS3, i prefer these over original.

Looking Good Ozzy I Want The Controller Now Lol

looks amazing! :smiley:

Update, i know its been a while but i will start putting some more time in now that the baby is starting to settle.

Today i got some more paint for the transparent patterns and finished of the last layer, it does look dark, but can still see the patterns underneath, that is the effect i was aiming for.

I nice wet coat for the final layer of color, will finish with a few layers of clear to give it a nice finish, i may wet sand the clear and polish for a mirror finish.

what else is gonna be on it other than a fancy paint job?

Man that’s starting to come along real nicely.

Paint Update

As you can see after the first coat of clear, the textured finish was still there.

Wet Sanded down with 1200 Grit

Another coat of clear, getting better

Final coat

As you can see the finish is a high gloss now and can see a nice reflection, ill leave it for a few days and a light wet sand and start buffing and polishing.

Its back

Decided to finally get some more progress with this case, wasnt happy with the last one so i started fresh with a replacement case from eBay.

Decided to do the double window again, using the orange perspex shown before.

Some color matching from the game cover. Ended up changing to a lighter red, the one shown in the picture below was to dark.

Rough mock up

Most of the case will have a aged / worn finish. Doesn’t look right being perfect finish.

Man that Orange looks sick, keep up the good work.

pretty sick

So umm, hate to ask but are you on other gaming websites as well?

Cause I’ve seen this before already.

Love your work man :smiley:

Sure do post on other sites. Tech Game, Xbox Scene, Xbox MB, Se7ensins, Cybergamer, Ben Heck forums and others

Grinding down the edges so i have room for the plexiglass.

Looks like a sick case!

WOW!!! That thing looks amazing!! Cant wait to see the finished product.

pretty sick

Can’t wait to see it finished