Borderlands 3 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

The Epic version is still suffering from the previous issues of super loot, unlimited eridium/money

I think the problem with both versions’ infinite money cheats is the fact that it costs 500 Eridium to get to the raid boss they just released. Screwing around with the money might cause havoc that we don’t know about.

i apologise if it’s the wrong place, but could the activation for increasing gravity not be scroll up, please?

I believe all hotkeys are customizable so you should be able to change it in the launcher

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is there an option to add Diamond Keys in there aswell?

If you activate the unlimited keys option you’ll also get unlimited diamond keys as well as unlimited pass keys so you can either re-roll the pass weapons and shield or unlock all the “battle pass” items

Add to get the diamond keys !

Welcome to the community @Medved228. :slight_smile:

Did you read the post above yours?

Forums are for reading too, not just for posting. :slight_smile:

Well this is in the case if there is at least one and if not not one

There is no way to add keys if you don’t at least have 1 already.

Activating mega exp also works for the pass, so a boss kill will give you enough chests to open and get a diamond key, then activate the unlimited key feature and there you go.

I am using the Steam version of WeMod. Unlimited Health Player/Vehicle doesn’t seem to be working as intended. I am a Lvl 65 Amara Siren, and my Shield is at 48,755. My Health is at 46,550. Unlimited Shield is activated, as well and Unlimited Health. Whenever I get caught in any explosions near me, I have the dreaded FFYL, which is fine if there are enemies to kill. Sometimes this happens and there are no enemies around to kill in FFYL. Could you implement a “Second Wind” sort of hack, or increase the value of Unlimited Health? Thanks for all your hard work! On a smaller note, I also have One Hit Kill activated too when this happens. Do you think THAT could be the problem?

The issue you are facing is that explosions caused by yourself negates the unlimited health/vehicle health gate. This includes ability explosions, weapon explosions and splash damage caused by yourself and since you have one hit kill on this makes it so any bit of splash damage will down you, so you’d have to be careful with the weapons, abilities and grenades you use.

Great Trainer, can you add diamond keys and Max Item score?

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this trainer does not work at all.

hey, i have the prob that if i use the cheats the game crashs.

Recent cross-platform update is causing cheats in trainer not to stay active (instantly toggle off). I’ve even disabled cross-platform in my game settings with no effect. Any advice on how to get this trainer to work with the most recent update?

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After the last update it crashed, causing “Crash”

I’m having the same problem. Only a handful of them stay toggled on now. :frowning:

Just tested all the codes with the new update. The only codes that appear to still work at this time are No Recoil, Better Accuracy, Unlimited Grenades, Super Loot Rate, Vending Machine Timer and Mega Experience. I confirmed that Unlimited Health, Unlimited Shield, Unlimited Vehicle Boost, Unlimited Ammo, No Reload, One Hit Kill, Instant Skill Cooldown, All Money codes, All Eridium codes, All Keys codes, Helath stat codes, and Shield stat codes are all non-functional. I didn’t test the jump/fly or weapon ammo codes. Hope this gets an update quick.